Integrated Intel i915/Radeon RX 460/560D / Pro Not Using GPU

In that case there is something else afoot.

While the amdgpu driver is somewhat newer … both gfx devices are not (i7 from 2015, radeon from ~2017)

I notice your BIOS is from 2017. Which may be old.
But I had a not so easy time looking up the model for whatever reason.
Just noting it.

I recall an old thread where amdgpu wasnt being loaded.
Though theres also the intel which I would expect to work.

Anyhoo heres that:

I guess theres also plymouth/splash though if you got some output then it may not be that.
Heres a related guide anyways:

In lieu of anything else we can also go through the steps of making sure you are up to date etc;

sudo pacman-mirrors --continent
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-linux
sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-modesetting
sudo mkinitcpio -P
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

That should sort mirrors, update, install drivers, rebuild intramfs, refresh grub.
And would normally result in a working system.

If you have made any other configurations, such as in /etc/{modprobe,X11} or similar, then please make sure to mention those.