Installing the software "flatCAM" fails

Hi there,

i use Linux Manjaro Sikaris (22.0.0) and want to install the Software “flatcam” via the software-center.
There are three versions available but i’m not able to install one of them.


When i install the first version i get this message:

which i trust and then after loooong time of installation it finished (strange cause the first time i tried there came an error message).

But when i start the programm i get this:

So i tried to install the other ones.
But i get an error (please see attached log-file, i pasted only the last part which contains the errors):

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
______________________ TestFromQPainterPath.test_line_to _______________________

self = <test_708d_qpainter_path_tools.TestFromQPainterPath object at 0x7ff323880b50>

    def test_line_to(self):
        qpath = QPainterPath(QPointF(1, 2))
        qpath.lineTo(4, 5)
        paths = list(path.from_qpainter_path(qpath))
        p0 = paths[0]
>       assert p0.start == (1, 2)
E       assert Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) == (1, 2)
E         Use -v to get more diff

../tests/test_07_render/ AssertionError
______________________ TestFromQPainterPath.test_cubic_to ______________________

self = <test_708d_qpainter_path_tools.TestFromQPainterPath object at 0x7ff323880c70>

    def test_cubic_to(self):
        qpath = QPainterPath(QPointF(0, 0))
            QPointF(1, 1),
            QPointF(3, 1),
            QPointF(4, 0),
        paths = list(path.from_qpainter_path(qpath))
        p0 = paths[0]
        assert p0.start == (0, 0)
>       assert p0[0].type == path.Command.CURVE4_TO

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <ezdxf.path.path.Path object at 0x7ff32387bd30>, item = 0

    def __getitem__(self, item) -> PathElement:
        """Returns the path element at given index, slicing is not supported.
        if isinstance(item, slice):
            raise TypeError("slicing not supported")
>       cmd = self._commands[item]
E       IndexError: list index out of range

ezdxf/path/ IndexError
_____________________ TestFromQPainterPath.test_two_lines ______________________

self = <test_708d_qpainter_path_tools.TestFromQPainterPath object at 0x7ff323880d90>

    def test_two_lines(self):
        qpath = QPainterPath(QPointF(1, 2))
        qpath.lineTo(4, 5)
        qpath.moveTo(3, 4)
        qpath.lineTo(7, 9)
        paths = list(path.from_qpainter_path(qpath))
>       assert len(paths) == 2
E       assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = len([<ezdxf.path.path.Path object at 0x7ff32387be20>])

../tests/test_07_render/ AssertionError
_________________________________ test_version _________________________________

    def test_version():
>       result =["ezdxf", "-V"], capture_output=True)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in run
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <Popen: returncode: 255 args: ['ezdxf', '-V']>, args = ['ezdxf', '-V']
executable = b'ezdxf', preexec_fn = None, close_fds = True, pass_fds = ()
cwd = None, env = None, startupinfo = None, creationflags = 0, shell = False
p2cread = -1, p2cwrite = -1, c2pread = 25, c2pwrite = 26, errread = 27
errwrite = 28, restore_signals = True, gid = None, gids = None, uid = None
umask = -1, start_new_session = False

    def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
                       pass_fds, cwd, env,
                       startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
                       p2cread, p2cwrite,
                       c2pread, c2pwrite,
                       errread, errwrite,
                       gid, gids, uid, umask,
        """Execute program (POSIX version)"""
        if isinstance(args, (str, bytes)):
            args = [args]
        elif isinstance(args, os.PathLike):
            if shell:
                raise TypeError('path-like args is not allowed when '
                                'shell is true')
            args = [args]
            args = list(args)
        if shell:
            # On Android the default shell is at '/system/bin/sh'.
            unix_shell = ('/system/bin/sh' if
                      hasattr(sys, 'getandroidapilevel') else '/bin/sh')
            args = [unix_shell, "-c"] + args
            if executable:
                args[0] = executable
        if executable is None:
            executable = args[0]
        sys.audit("subprocess.Popen", executable, args, cwd, env)
        if (_USE_POSIX_SPAWN
                and os.path.dirname(executable)
                and preexec_fn is None
                and not close_fds
                and not pass_fds
                and cwd is None
                and (p2cread == -1 or p2cread > 2)
                and (c2pwrite == -1 or c2pwrite > 2)
                and (errwrite == -1 or errwrite > 2)
                and not start_new_session
                and gid is None
                and gids is None
                and uid is None
                and umask < 0):
            self._posix_spawn(args, executable, env, restore_signals,
                              p2cread, p2cwrite,
                              c2pread, c2pwrite,
                              errread, errwrite)
        orig_executable = executable
        # For transferring possible exec failure from child to parent.
        # Data format: "exception name:hex errno:description"
        # Pickle is not used; it is complex and involves memory allocation.
        errpipe_read, errpipe_write = os.pipe()
        # errpipe_write must not be in the standard io 0, 1, or 2 fd range.
        low_fds_to_close = []
        while errpipe_write < 3:
            errpipe_write = os.dup(errpipe_write)
        for low_fd in low_fds_to_close:
                # We must avoid complex work that could involve
                # malloc or free in the child process to avoid
                # potential deadlocks, thus we do all this here.
                # and pass it to fork_exec()
                if env is not None:
                    env_list = []
                    for k, v in env.items():
                        k = os.fsencode(k)
                        if b'=' in k:
                            raise ValueError("illegal environment variable name")
                        env_list.append(k + b'=' + os.fsencode(v))
                    env_list = None  # Use execv instead of execve.
                executable = os.fsencode(executable)
                if os.path.dirname(executable):
                    executable_list = (executable,)
                    # This matches the behavior of os._execvpe().
                    executable_list = tuple(
                        os.path.join(os.fsencode(dir), executable)
                        for dir in os.get_exec_path(env))
                fds_to_keep = set(pass_fds)
       = _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(
                        args, executable_list,
                        close_fds, tuple(sorted(map(int, fds_to_keep))),
                        cwd, env_list,
                        p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite,
                        errread, errwrite,
                        errpipe_read, errpipe_write,
                        restore_signals, start_new_session,
                        gid, gids, uid, umask,
                self._child_created = True
                # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
            self._close_pipe_fds(p2cread, p2cwrite,
                                 c2pread, c2pwrite,
                                 errread, errwrite)
            # Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising an
            # exception (limited in size)
            errpipe_data = bytearray()
            while True:
                part =, 50000)
                errpipe_data += part
                if not part or len(errpipe_data) > 50000:
            # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
        if errpipe_data:
                pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
                if pid ==
                    self.returncode = sys.maxsize
            except ChildProcessError:
                exception_name, hex_errno, err_msg = (
                        errpipe_data.split(b':', 2))
                # The encoding here should match the encoding
                # written in by the subprocess implementations
                # like _posixsubprocess
                err_msg = err_msg.decode()
            except ValueError:
                exception_name = b'SubprocessError'
                hex_errno = b'0'
                err_msg = 'Bad exception data from child: {!r}'.format(
            child_exception_type = getattr(
                    builtins, exception_name.decode('ascii'),
            if issubclass(child_exception_type, OSError) and hex_errno:
                errno_num = int(hex_errno, 16)
                child_exec_never_called = (err_msg == "noexec")
                if child_exec_never_called:
                    err_msg = ""
                    # The error must be from chdir(cwd).
                    err_filename = cwd
                    err_filename = orig_executable
                if errno_num != 0:
                    err_msg = os.strerror(errno_num)
>               raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
E               FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: 'ezdxf'

/usr/lib/python3.10/ FileNotFoundError
___________________________ test_audit_existing_file ___________________________

    def test_audit_existing_file():
>       result =
            ["ezdxf", "audit", str(TEST_DATA / "POLI-ALL210_12.DXF")],

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in run
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <Popen: returncode: 255 args: ['ezdxf', 'audit', '/var/tmp/pamac-build-basem...>
args = ['ezdxf', 'audit', '/var/tmp/pamac-build-basementmedia/python-ezdxf/src/ezdxf-1.0.1b1/integration_tests/data/POLI-ALL210_12.DXF']
executable = b'ezdxf', preexec_fn = None, close_fds = True, pass_fds = ()
cwd = None, env = None, startupinfo = None, creationflags = 0, shell = False
p2cread = -1, p2cwrite = -1, c2pread = 25, c2pwrite = 26, errread = 27
errwrite = 28, restore_signals = True, gid = None, gids = None, uid = None
umask = -1, start_new_session = False

    def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
                       pass_fds, cwd, env,
                       startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
                       p2cread, p2cwrite,
                       c2pread, c2pwrite,
                       errread, errwrite,
                       gid, gids, uid, umask,
        """Execute program (POSIX version)"""
        if isinstance(args, (str, bytes)):
            args = [args]
        elif isinstance(args, os.PathLike):
            if shell:
                raise TypeError('path-like args is not allowed when '
                                'shell is true')
            args = [args]
            args = list(args)
        if shell:
            # On Android the default shell is at '/system/bin/sh'.
            unix_shell = ('/system/bin/sh' if
                      hasattr(sys, 'getandroidapilevel') else '/bin/sh')
            args = [unix_shell, "-c"] + args
            if executable:
                args[0] = executable
        if executable is None:
            executable = args[0]
        sys.audit("subprocess.Popen", executable, args, cwd, env)
        if (_USE_POSIX_SPAWN
                and os.path.dirname(executable)
                and preexec_fn is None
                and not close_fds
                and not pass_fds
                and cwd is None
                and (p2cread == -1 or p2cread > 2)
                and (c2pwrite == -1 or c2pwrite > 2)
                and (errwrite == -1 or errwrite > 2)
                and not start_new_session
                and gid is None
                and gids is None
                and uid is None
                and umask < 0):
            self._posix_spawn(args, executable, env, restore_signals,
                              p2cread, p2cwrite,
                              c2pread, c2pwrite,
                              errread, errwrite)
        orig_executable = executable
        # For transferring possible exec failure from child to parent.
        # Data format: "exception name:hex errno:description"
        # Pickle is not used; it is complex and involves memory allocation.
        errpipe_read, errpipe_write = os.pipe()
        # errpipe_write must not be in the standard io 0, 1, or 2 fd range.
        low_fds_to_close = []
        while errpipe_write < 3:
            errpipe_write = os.dup(errpipe_write)
        for low_fd in low_fds_to_close:
                # We must avoid complex work that could involve
                # malloc or free in the child process to avoid
                # potential deadlocks, thus we do all this here.
                # and pass it to fork_exec()
                if env is not None:
                    env_list = []
                    for k, v in env.items():
                        k = os.fsencode(k)
                        if b'=' in k:
                            raise ValueError("illegal environment variable name")
                        env_list.append(k + b'=' + os.fsencode(v))
                    env_list = None  # Use execv instead of execve.
                executable = os.fsencode(executable)
                if os.path.dirname(executable):
                    executable_list = (executable,)
                    # This matches the behavior of os._execvpe().
                    executable_list = tuple(
                        os.path.join(os.fsencode(dir), executable)
                        for dir in os.get_exec_path(env))
                fds_to_keep = set(pass_fds)
       = _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(
                        args, executable_list,
                        close_fds, tuple(sorted(map(int, fds_to_keep))),
                        cwd, env_list,
                        p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite,
                        errread, errwrite,
                        errpipe_read, errpipe_write,
                        restore_signals, start_new_session,
                        gid, gids, uid, umask,
                self._child_created = True
                # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
            self._close_pipe_fds(p2cread, p2cwrite,
                                 c2pread, c2pwrite,
                                 errread, errwrite)
            # Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising an
            # exception (limited in size)
            errpipe_data = bytearray()
            while True:
                part =, 50000)
                errpipe_data += part
                if not part or len(errpipe_data) > 50000:
            # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
        if errpipe_data:
                pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
                if pid ==
                    self.returncode = sys.maxsize
            except ChildProcessError:
                exception_name, hex_errno, err_msg = (
                        errpipe_data.split(b':', 2))
                # The encoding here should match the encoding
                # written in by the subprocess implementations
                # like _posixsubprocess
                err_msg = err_msg.decode()
            except ValueError:
                exception_name = b'SubprocessError'
                hex_errno = b'0'
                err_msg = 'Bad exception data from child: {!r}'.format(
            child_exception_type = getattr(
                    builtins, exception_name.decode('ascii'),
            if issubclass(child_exception_type, OSError) and hex_errno:
                errno_num = int(hex_errno, 16)
                child_exec_never_called = (err_msg == "noexec")
                if child_exec_never_called:
                    err_msg = ""
                    # The error must be from chdir(cwd).
                    err_filename = cwd
                    err_filename = orig_executable
                if errno_num != 0:
                    err_msg = os.strerror(errno_num)
>               raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
E               FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: 'ezdxf'

/usr/lib/python3.10/ FileNotFoundError
__________________________ test_audit_file_not_found ___________________________

    def test_audit_file_not_found():
>       result =
            ["ezdxf", "audit", "nofile.dxf"], capture_output=True

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in run
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
/usr/lib/python3.10/ in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <Popen: returncode: 255 args: ['ezdxf', 'audit', 'nofile.dxf']>
args = ['ezdxf', 'audit', 'nofile.dxf'], executable = b'ezdxf'
preexec_fn = None, close_fds = True, pass_fds = (), cwd = None, env = None
startupinfo = None, creationflags = 0, shell = False, p2cread = -1
p2cwrite = -1, c2pread = 25, c2pwrite = 26, errread = 27, errwrite = 28
restore_signals = True, gid = None, gids = None, uid = None, umask = -1
start_new_session = False

    def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
                       pass_fds, cwd, env,
                       startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
                       p2cread, p2cwrite,
                       c2pread, c2pwrite,
                       errread, errwrite,
                       gid, gids, uid, umask,
        """Execute program (POSIX version)"""
        if isinstance(args, (str, bytes)):
            args = [args]
        elif isinstance(args, os.PathLike):
            if shell:
                raise TypeError('path-like args is not allowed when '
                                'shell is true')
            args = [args]
            args = list(args)
        if shell:
            # On Android the default shell is at '/system/bin/sh'.
            unix_shell = ('/system/bin/sh' if
                      hasattr(sys, 'getandroidapilevel') else '/bin/sh')
            args = [unix_shell, "-c"] + args
            if executable:
                args[0] = executable
        if executable is None:
            executable = args[0]
        sys.audit("subprocess.Popen", executable, args, cwd, env)
        if (_USE_POSIX_SPAWN
                and os.path.dirname(executable)
                and preexec_fn is None
                and not close_fds
                and not pass_fds
                and cwd is None
                and (p2cread == -1 or p2cread > 2)
                and (c2pwrite == -1 or c2pwrite > 2)
                and (errwrite == -1 or errwrite > 2)
                and not start_new_session
                and gid is None
                and gids is None
                and uid is None
                and umask < 0):
            self._posix_spawn(args, executable, env, restore_signals,
                              p2cread, p2cwrite,
                              c2pread, c2pwrite,
                              errread, errwrite)
        orig_executable = executable
        # For transferring possible exec failure from child to parent.
        # Data format: "exception name:hex errno:description"
        # Pickle is not used; it is complex and involves memory allocation.
        errpipe_read, errpipe_write = os.pipe()
        # errpipe_write must not be in the standard io 0, 1, or 2 fd range.
        low_fds_to_close = []
        while errpipe_write < 3:
            errpipe_write = os.dup(errpipe_write)
        for low_fd in low_fds_to_close:
                # We must avoid complex work that could involve
                # malloc or free in the child process to avoid
                # potential deadlocks, thus we do all this here.
                # and pass it to fork_exec()
                if env is not None:
                    env_list = []
                    for k, v in env.items():
                        k = os.fsencode(k)
                        if b'=' in k:
                            raise ValueError("illegal environment variable name")
                        env_list.append(k + b'=' + os.fsencode(v))
                    env_list = None  # Use execv instead of execve.
                executable = os.fsencode(executable)
                if os.path.dirname(executable):
                    executable_list = (executable,)
                    # This matches the behavior of os._execvpe().
                    executable_list = tuple(
                        os.path.join(os.fsencode(dir), executable)
                        for dir in os.get_exec_path(env))
                fds_to_keep = set(pass_fds)
       = _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(
                        args, executable_list,
                        close_fds, tuple(sorted(map(int, fds_to_keep))),
                        cwd, env_list,
                        p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite,
                        errread, errwrite,
                        errpipe_read, errpipe_write,
                        restore_signals, start_new_session,
                        gid, gids, uid, umask,
                self._child_created = True
                # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
            self._close_pipe_fds(p2cread, p2cwrite,
                                 c2pread, c2pwrite,
                                 errread, errwrite)
            # Wait for exec to fail or succeed; possibly raising an
            # exception (limited in size)
            errpipe_data = bytearray()
            while True:
                part =, 50000)
                errpipe_data += part
                if not part or len(errpipe_data) > 50000:
            # be sure the FD is closed no matter what
        if errpipe_data:
                pid, sts = os.waitpid(, 0)
                if pid ==
                    self.returncode = sys.maxsize
            except ChildProcessError:
                exception_name, hex_errno, err_msg = (
                        errpipe_data.split(b':', 2))
                # The encoding here should match the encoding
                # written in by the subprocess implementations
                # like _posixsubprocess
                err_msg = err_msg.decode()
            except ValueError:
                exception_name = b'SubprocessError'
                hex_errno = b'0'
                err_msg = 'Bad exception data from child: {!r}'.format(
            child_exception_type = getattr(
                    builtins, exception_name.decode('ascii'),
            if issubclass(child_exception_type, OSError) and hex_errno:
                errno_num = int(hex_errno, 16)
                child_exec_never_called = (err_msg == "noexec")
                if child_exec_never_called:
                    err_msg = ""
                    # The error must be from chdir(cwd).
                    err_filename = cwd
                    err_filename = orig_executable
                if errno_num != 0:
                    err_msg = os.strerror(errno_num)
>               raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
E               FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: 'ezdxf'

/usr/lib/python3.10/ FileNotFoundError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
  /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/ DeprecationWarning: Enum value 'Qt::ApplicationAttribute.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling' is marked as deprecated, please check the documentation for more information.

  /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/ DeprecationWarning: Enum value 'Qt::ApplicationAttribute.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps' is marked as deprecated, please check the documentation for more information.
    app.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps)  # Only for Qt<6.

-- Docs:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED ../tests/test_07_render/
FAILED ../tests/test_07_render/
FAILED ../tests/test_07_render/
FAILED ../integration_tests/ - FileNotFoundErro...
FAILED ../integration_tests/ - File...
FAILED ../integration_tests/ - Fil...
=========== 6 failed, 6747 passed, 41 skipped, 2 warnings in 40.95s ============
==> FEHLER: Ein Fehler geschah in check().
    Breche ab...

Is there any chance to get this software working?
Best wishes

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

perhaps check out the comments on this one:

AUR (en) - flatcam-qt6

and on this one:

AUR (en) - flatcam-git

In either case, something needs to be done to make it work

this one:

AUR (en) - flatcam

is likely just too old

I can’t provide actual help for any of what might be involved and what is mentioned there.

1 Like

Hi, thanks for your answer.

As i am a Linux Beginner i don’t really understand all the comments and what to do.
So i think the easier way is - althought i hate windows - to use my windows partition for flatcam ;-(

Nice evening to all