This is not a battle between Manjaro or Parrot. I am supper happy with Manjaro!
But I need the privacy/anonymizing tools Parrot has.
I am doing my best to adhere to manjaro’s official repos for extra security but i will have to use other sources such as flatpak, AUR, to be able to install the privacy apps parrot has.
I narrowed down (manjaro or parrot) for the long run, as my main OS. And i will keep it this way!
My main focus is Front End Web Development; and the rest is regular usage.
Manjaro fits the bill; as its advised exactly for this purpose.
Will Parrot handle Front End Web Development?
I also want to start doing vulnerability testing for my own websites, and use crypto coins etc; and i worry it will be hard to accomplish this with manjaro?
Parrot is recommended for developers. I’d say security pen testing developers who test vulnerabilities in websites, etc, right?
I can use parrot in virtualbox; but will anonymity be the same or it picks info from manjaro as host OS that can compromise it?
I prefer to have a native OS for all my needs, but I’m open for other ways as long as it does not complicate too much.
As many of you are more experienced in Linux than I am, your insight would be really appreciated.
You are in way over your head if you can’t find out whether the tools you need
for development and … whatever testing
(which you should know by name and function)
are available.
Define your goals, find and name the tools that you think will get you there
and see whether they are available.
They very likely all are.
The key is knowing how to use them.
I don’t know parrot os - but like everything that is in Kali, for example
can be had in Manjaro as well.
Otherwise, you’re just tying yourself into knots trying to duct-tape a very, very convoluted setup for a very specific and narrow use-case. Like @Nachlese mentioned, it sounds like you’re trying to scale a mountain that you could instead simply walk around to reach your destination.
I am doing a lot of development - frontend and backend.
The fact that you have to ask these questions tells me you are trying to overcome to much at the same time.
You are wasting your time on running in circles - if you fancy parrot - use parrot and be done with it - get to the primary function of your system - coding.
If you fancy an Arch based distribution with a different toolbox - you should take a look at Arch Strike
And remember - Tor is not for entertaiment traffic and youtube watching - it is a tool for disguising traffic between endpoints - exit nodes can always monitor traffic - CIA, FBI, NSA, Europol or what not may be running your exit node.
This is exactly why i opened this thread.
I don’t have lot’s of experience in Linux, and I am new to manjaro and parrot distros.
The rule of thumb i heard from experienced members is that any linux can be running the same software. We should pick what looks and feels right to us.
Manjaro is exactly the perfect OS for me and i don’t have time to be jumping from flavor to flavor and tweak them around.
For stability and consistency i was advised ubuntu flavors, being “Mofo Linux” the only distro i would consider, as it’s a private distro like manjaro/parrot are.
I prefer to install the privacy tools parrot comes with in manjaro, but if that’s a really bad idea, then i can move to Parrot or Mofo, and install plasma KDE in them.
I just love the look and feel of Plasma KDE. And the manjaro devs are doing an amazing work in this OS to be honest!
Can ParrotSec/anonsurf be installed on Manjaro?
I prefer to install the privacy tools parrot comes with in Manjaro
Chiming in to say that anonsurf is not a privacy tool. It’s an anonymity tool.
Privacy = “You may know who I am, but not what I do.”
Anonymity = “You may know what I do, but not who I am.”
If I get on to the TOR network & sign into my Twitter, then TOR gives me zero of both.
Then make some decisions - do your own testing - do your own research - learn by doing - instead of asking thousands of questions which - at the end of the day - is considered abuse of the members time - so please …
Theoretically, any software able to run on a Linux distribution can run on any other Linux distribution. Yet, that doesn’t mean that any software directly available on a Linux distribution is also to any other Linux distribution.
Each distribution is based on its own philosophy, providing more focus on specific aspects, and is implemented accordingly. This is why there are hundreds of Linux distributions out there.
About availability, there are several parts in this.
The recommended way to install software in any Linux distribution is to use its package manager.
(Almost) each distribution manages its own repositories, thus selecting its own set of packages to make available to its users.
Some package formats have widely used standard (DEB, RPM), and quite often developers make their software available in those formats. Arch and Manjaro aren’t among those.
Many (if not most) software used in Linux are FOSS. Then, if a package is not available in the distribution’s format, it may still be made available by compiling from the source.
In your case, since some of the software you seek to use in Manjaro aren’t (already) available in the repositories, you may still be able to use them by personally managing on your system, if the developers provide a format-free binary or the source.
But you find that to much of a hassle, them you should rather use a distribution that have them directly available.
Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation! It was eye opening and contradictory to what i was told.
If i can install the apps i want in manjaro i prefer the extra sweat, and learning curve! I prefer manjaro to be my main OS.
I’ve already spent days tweaking it…
Otherwise i might as well go for Gentoo for the next years, as its one of the the most customizable distros. Right before Genode, or linux from scratch.
Gentoo is cool but very time intensive - after all you (re)compile everything - no pre-made packages.
Same goes for LFS - but even more hardcore …
Do they now have a management solution to keep track of what software was installed?
It’s been nearly 20 years since I perused their rather excellent guide to create a system.
If not: have fun with keeping that system manageable over more than a few months and installing/deinstalling lots of software
But both are a good learning experience
and in the end you’ll come to know
that you can do all of that, but with much less fuzz and time and pain … with Arch/Manjaro just as well.
I chose manjaro instead of arch because it’s more OOTB ready and user friendly. I don’t want to be tweaking stuff that is time intensive, without need!
I created this thread to know how to approach installing the apps i want from parrot without moving to parrot; but i understood it is counter intuitive/productive, as i can just jump to parrot.
The thing is, i don’t want to! I like manjaro more
I will stick with my original choice. I came to manjaro to stay, and will install all i want and can from parrot.
I can always run it from virtualbox for it’s tools, or a usb live pen for more sensitive stuff.