Installing Manjaro (using manjaro-architect-20.0.3-200607-linux56.iso) via architect results in an error ("unknown trust" error)

I tried on 2 computers.

  • Dell Latitude laptop (tried installing 3 times with a reboot in between + formatting my boot drive)
  • Gigabyte B550+Ryzen 5 desktop (tried installing once)

On the Dell, the error was something like “Eli Schwartz is an unknown trust”.

On the Gigabyte, it was the similar error but a different person this time.

In both computers, I used:

  • Install Custom
  • On the base package, I selected yay+devel and linux-lts

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong and how to fix? Thanks

edit1: I updated my keyrings on the Dell on my first try and I still got the error.

Remember to update the keyrings.

I updated my keyrings on the Dell on my first try and I still got the error.