Installing gnome on Manjaro Cinnamon

I’ve just installed Manjaro Cinnamon, and I wanted to have gnome along side it, I installed it by typing the following:

`$ sudo pacman -Syy`

`$ sudo pacman -S gnome-extra gdm manjaro-gnome-assets manjaro-gdm-theme manjaro-settings-manager` 

`$ sudo systemctl -f enable gdm.service`

But I just get a blue wallpaper which is unchangeable, and there are no gnome settings etc.
Can I get instructions on installing gnome properly?

Gnome is already a part of my Manjaro Cinnamon are you sure it wasn’t already part of yours?

There is a little icon beside or just above and to the right of your name in the login screen. Click on it and it gives options for different Desktop environments.

I installed Cinnamon at the end of August and did nothing to put Gnome on there.

Thanks for answering James.
No, it did not come with gnome when I installed it.

Hi. And … sudo pacman -S gnome ( contains the base GNOME desktop and a subset of well-integrated applications)
sudo systemctl enable gdm.service

Installing GNOME:
sudo pacman -S gnome gnome-extra
sudo systemctl enable gdm.service --force

sudo pacman -S manjaro-gnome-assets manjaro-gdm-theme manjaro-settings-manager

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Hi, sorry for the late reply, but I just installed the Gnome version of Manjaro on the laptop.
But thanks anyway :smiley: