Install manjaro on pi5

I just got my pi5. I tried to switch my manjaro sd card form pi4 to pi5, it didn’t work. So I searched forum for answer. I do find some related topic, but most of them involve some high end skill like reinstall kernal for pi5 which makes me so confused. Could you teach me how to use manjaro on raspberry pi 5 plz?:smiling_face_with_tear:

Nevermind, I just found out the solution for that. Turns out , that kernel thing is as same as install a regular package.

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I tried installing manjaro arm on pi5 with tf card. It worked prefectly fine, but have a fatal issus - it requires an pi4 to upgrade some software so it can run on pi5.
I got a m.2 drive recently, and pi4 can’t access m.2 drive, so is there any way to install manjaro into a hard drive with pi5?

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Please also consider that no-one might have anything to suggest at this time. :eyes: Maybe later, someone might.

Those who might be able to help will not necessarily be online at your beck and call. Please be patient and provide as much useful information as possible, including what you have tried so far (detailed) whether successful, or not.

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Best of luck.


Required reading

Sorry, I thought it was a different question.
Thank you for the patience, and sorry for the problem I caused.
Thank U again😘

No - it does not - switch the card to use unstable branch.

sudo pacman-mirrors -aS unstable

Yes you can.

Use the manjaro-arm-installer script - always use unstable branch, this is the only maintained branch.

manjaro-arm / applications / manjaro-arm-installer · GitLab

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Generally, one can ask different but related questions in the same topic. It’s only if the questions become too disparate that it’s better to create a new topic.

For example, say I create a topic about a kernel issue; and I change tack half way through, and ask questions about something totally different; that is not usually encouraged.

No problem at all – that’s what we’re here for – to point you in the right direction, whenever possible. :slight_smile:

I’m sure someone will help as soon as they are able.


Thank you! I will try the script!:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Thank you!:kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart: