Install Canon LPB6030

Yes, when I watched pacman try to build capt-src there were lots of warnings. But it does seem to be installed.

I bought this from Amazon. If I don’t find a solution in a couple of days, I think I will return it and try the similar HP model, LaserJet M110w, which seems to have a driver. It looks like it just went up in price $40 though.

As I tried to say already:

I’m pretty sure that this is not what you need - sorry for even bringing it up.


is likely what you want.

I just successfully built and installed it (using yay).

It is a printer driver. Why would it be in an application menu?
… use the cups web interface (or manjaro-printer) to configure it

I cannot test, of course, because I do not have this printer.

When I installed it in Kubuntu, it made an entry in the app launcher for the setup utility.

Anyway, the following almost makes it sound like this driver is optional, and printing can still be done just using CUPS. I also don’t have the printer so I cannot say for sure:

“Canon UFRII LT Printer Driver for Linux” is a Linux operating system printer driver that supports Canon devices. It uses the CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) printing system for Linux operating systems. Installing this driver enables you to print with built-in device functions from the GUI (Graphical User Interface) settings screen and command line.

OK, I have installed cndrvcups-lt with yay, apparently successfully. The printer is now working!

I am a little worried, however, that because i installed python2, and because this is from the AUR, that future updates might break it. However, for now it is working.

I really appreciate all the help. Tausand Dank!

Ich hab es nicht mehr genau in Erinnerung aber es kann sein, daß python2 nur eine build time Abhängigkeit war - also nachher nicht mehr gebraucht wird.

I don’t remember the build process and what it took but it might be that python2 was a build time dependency only - not needed afterwards and could even be removed with the driver still working.

You’ll see.

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