Install Brother DCP-1610W

Hi I’m new in Manjaro. I need help to install printer & scanner in my manjaro.


There is a driver package for it in the AUR. You might need to activate the AUR support in Pamac first.

thanks for your support… by the way how can i activate the AUR support in Pamac

I wish you all the success in learning the tools you have at your disposal :smiley:
This is the pamac-manager, a graphical interface for the pamac program.
You can also install it via CLI with pamac build brother-dcp1610w .
As it is a package from the AUR and not the normal repositories the build option is used instead of the install option.

but where is this option

Reworked the last post a bit to make it clearer.
Did you switch from windows or from another Linux distribution?

I switched from windows

hi dear please help me