Install Anaconda

I have installed anaconda with aur and other with other options, when i type in terminal conda(or anaconda-navigator, or conda list) it tells me that zsh: correct ‘conda’ to ‘crond’ [nyae]?
Thank you for your time

It doesn’t work that way . If you are using jupyter notebook , there is a neat trick you can use, go to /home/username/anaconda3/bin and copy jupyter-notebook binary and paste it to the folder you want , then open terminal there and bash that binary. Linux version for anaconda is a shell script so there is no conda command.

But i have recently installed manjaro, it has been only 1h since it is in my machine. Can you be pls be more clearly on what i have to do or to reinstall and do the steps
Thank you

The Linux version for anaconda is a shell script the team created for global usage. Hence there is no conda command in linux. If you only use jupyter notebook , the best thing you can do is install jupyter-notebook from official repo , then you can open the jupyter notebook by typing jupyter notebook in terminal

I don´t know if you are familiar with all that “shell stuff”, so I decided to write it down.

Installing jupyter-notebook with the following command in the shell:

pamac install jupyter-notebook

Right after run it with the command:
