Importing VCards to Kontacts

I am using Kontacts on my laptop as my ‘master’ contact source.

However - when I import a .vcf file into Kontacts - the email addresses are NOT importing.

I am using a vcard v4.0 format - and the importing file looks like this:


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When I import a .vcf (v4.0) card into Kontacts - none of my emails are importing… often I have several email address but NONE are… is there a way to configure kontacts cards with multiple emails and configure the import to handle them?

(the .vcf rows look like:

Tip: No need to remove the template, it’s hidden. You typed your message in between the <!-- part, so it did not appear. Fixed it for you. :wink:

Where do you get this? It should be EMAIL and not ITEM4.EMAIL. See: RFC 6350: vCard Format Specification

Probably Apple’s own implementation?

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Yup - I editted out the ITEMx.EMAIL to EMAIL…

That fixed the issue

The .vcf file was an export from my android contacts…

  • however - when I did a full export (of all contacts) - the .vcf file was correct… when I shared an individual contact - it hat that ITEMx incorrectly…
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