I'm not having full access to the testing updates. Or maybe I'm totally wrong

I feel a bit blocked. I’m on the testing branch and I launched the update of the testing branch.
I’m a little bit slow down this period because of health condition. I’m suffering from sleep apnea and it’s not really stabilized. I will not Mention my mental condition in addition to that syndrome.

So, I launched the update and only the package konsole was concerned! I was really surprised.
I switched then to the stable branch by typing this command. From the wiki !

sudo pacman-mirrors --country all --api --protocol all -set-branch stable && sudo pacman -Syyu

and now what must I do. I’m just realizing that testing branch is maybe not for me. Actually feels more like an irrational use case.
Maybe I have to reboot to confirm… I’m on 5.10.58-1-MANJARO.

If someone can guide me a bit to avoid something weird. I pinged folks on the official IRC, they told me to write a topic. Here it is.

Maybe you need to run

pacman -Syyuu


ok thank you @Keruskerfuerst
I must seek now fastest mirrors. :laughing:
Thanks again

I have setup the download mirrors manually.

Thanks for the pro tip. Will do that too, in a near future.

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