I'm having trouble opening Steam and I can't download it at all

I’ve recently installed manjaro on my laptop, but I’m totally new to linux and coding in general (i just know how to use a computer)

I tried to run the command steam in the terminal and this is the result i get

steam.sh[6198]: Running Steam on manjarolinux 21.2pre1 64-bit
steam.sh[6198]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
steam.sh[6198]: internal error: /home/maxime/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/setup.sh is missing, this runtime is invalid or corrupted

(Double clicking on the shortcut called “Steam (Runtime)” just doesn’t do anything)

How can I fix this ?
Is there a way to re download Steam in its entirety ? I know that .deb files can’t be executed on manjaro but the Steam page only provides a .deb file

Don’t download packages from websites on an Arch-based distro.

You should always check our repo first → check AUR [Manjaro Wiki, Arch Wiki] → Build from source if possible → Use Flatpak/Snap → Download the .deb from website and use debtap

You can use pamac, your package manage that is already installed to uninstall Steam and reinstall Steam. It has a GUI and CLI application on your computer.

I personally don’t use pamac, so I don’t know the CLI commands for it. But you can uninstall steam and reinstall steam using pacman in the terminal as well:

sudo pacman -Rns steam-manjaro
sudo pacman -Syu steam-manjaro

If steam-manjaro doesn’t work for some reason, you can try installing steam-native instead.

If you want to read more about pamac and pacman package managers:

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run steam --reset from terminal?

Thanks for the replies !

I’ve done these commands, and the terminal says it is installed, but i still get the exact same error

But something weird is happening, the command steam gets me this error, but the command steam-manjaro is not recognized by my computer

[maxime@LATITUDEE5450 ~]$ steam-manjaro
bash: steam-manjaro : commande introuvable

“commande introuvable” means in english “command not found” (How do i do to have it in english directly ?)

Still the exact same error as when i enter steam

I’ve figured out a way to install it through flatpak and it seems to work, but i’m curious about what is happening still

That’s the package name, not the binary name. Run steam-runtime from the terminal.

still the exact same error

type or paste co[maxime@LATITUDEE5450 ~]$ steam-runtime
steam.sh[93220]: Running Steam on manjarolinux 21.2pre1 64-bit
steam.sh[93220]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
steam.sh[93220]: internal error: /home/maxime/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/setup.sh is missing, this runtime is invalid or corrupted

Have you tried using steam-native instead?

command not found

I meant… installing the package steam-native instead of steam-manjaro.

It works now ! Thank you !

But i have another question now.
Why can’t i find certain things in the file manager (Thunar) ?

For example in the error message it says that a file called “.local” exists, but i can’t find it in the file manager ! how i am supposed to know all the files it contains, its size, how do i create folders in it etc…

With windows i know i can access it via User/Programs/ or something but now there’s just nothing

Edit : Also the Search function just crashes when i try to search just about anything…

A file or folder starting with a dot in Linux systems is hidden, you probably have a keyboard shortcut or a file manager setting to show them (CTRL+H?)

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