I3 bad theme colors by default

I would like to report a problem with the default manjaro i3wm configuration.

The default color scheme is bad. It is more than an opinion: it uses the exact same colors for these client states:

  • client.focused_inactive
  • client.unfocused

As a result, in some cases it is impossible to tell which window has the focus. On a 4K screen with 10+ windows opened, this becomes a nightmare.

It is described in details here: Higlight tabs that has active/focused subwindow · i3/i3 · Discussion #6260 · GitHub

I was trying to find a place to create an issue about this, but I could not find a github repository for manjaro i3. Can you please help me, how can I reach the maintanier of manjaro i3?

The Manjaro i3 settings are here:

If you have an existing Manjaro GitLab account, feel free to create an issue here:

Unfortunately, there is no active maintainer for the Manjaro i3 community edition. @oberon used to maintain it, however he has been focused on his opera career lately and hasn’t been as active.

If anyone wants to contribute, one can clone the repo and create a diff either way.