I want to install the KDE 6 stable .iso when it comes

Apology accepted.

But my point stands @Edward78. I’ve seen many threads from you wanting a different D.E. but not wanting to give up what you have. And the fact is you seem to be trying too hard to be prepared for something which, judging from you previous posts, you won’t do anyway.

So if you really want to do it, put on your mental Nikes and just do it.

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I already have KDE, I just didn’t see how to pick it, that font is so hard to see. I just need a way to make the mouse pointer bigger.

Would this help at all? (For whatever reasons, they call them “cursors”):

Mate might be conflicting, I am wanting to get KDE how I want it before I delete Mate. So it is setting > Input Devices > Mouse. Also how can I see if all the files are there?

Please choose either MATE or KDE and stick with it. It’s not recommended to have more than one DE (Desktop Environment) installed at once as there can be conflicting settings.

Most of your topics are about you having trouble having both installed at once. I think you would be better off with only one.

You don’t need to be sorry, just remember to provide as much information as you can so others can help. :wink:


I can vouch for that. I made that mistake in my early days of using Linux. Best way, if you want to try a different DE, and don’t want to get rid of your current one is to use a VM.

I find that quickget and quickemu are really good for getting VM up and running fast.


I decided to stick with Mate KDE is not installed right or something. Colors are not right in places, it seems the right things don’t come up sometimes nyway if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it & Mate seems good right now. Caja seems to freeze when transferring large (10 G+ data) but that is it. I should prob delete the KDE DE from my system. What would be a good command?

Remove what you installed.

man pacman

sudo pacman -R plasma kio-extras get lots of errors. If ut will hurt nothing leaving them, I am fine with it.

checking dependencies…
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing kio-extras breaks dependency ‘kio-extras’ required by dolphin
:: removing libksysguard breaks dependency ‘libksysguard’ required by kdevelop
:: removing kpipewire breaks dependency ‘kpipewire’ required by spectacle

Again: remove what you installed. Or throw random commands at the terminal and get what you got. Also, we have search engines where you can… search.

That is what I installed. I am not sure KDE even installed right. It seems broken in some areas.

Who installed dolphin then? Or kdevelop or spectacle?

This command:

tac /var/log/pacman.log | grep PACMAN | less

will filter the pacman log and only print lines where anything was installed or removed - you see the pacman command that was used
It will list the entries in reverse order - what was done most recently will appear first.

Scroll with up/down arrow keys.

you can also use:

tac /var/log/pacman.log | grep installed | less

and then, combined with your own memory of what you did when, remove everything that you had pacman install in order to give you KDE/Plasma

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I used Install Desktop Environments - Manjaro

… the pacman log will still tell you what you did when - and what exactly was installed when you added KDE/Plasma

it appears you started with this command:
sudo pacman -S plasma kio-extras

I’d try to reverse it with:
sudo pacman -Rns plasma kio-extras

… but then you may have added more
sddm (the display manager) perhaps - and/or the as “optional” described things

remove all that also

the pacman log can help you to remember what you did when … and reverse it

Quick tip :eyes:

If you really must try a second Desktop Environment (DE) on the same system, it’s usually best to only try those DE’s that support a common Display Manager (DM); for example, both Maté and XFCE use or support using LightDM. Additionally, create a new User profile that you will only use for the second DE; this helps prevent misconfiguration of your User sessions, by keeping them isolated. :eyes:

That is all. Cheers.

Go and read that again then.

Time to re install from scratch.

Back up your personal data, and do a complete install. Then restore your personal data.

Latin word cursor translates as “runner” “messenger” or “chariot-racer”

Before electronic calculators, a cursor was the runner or “glass” on a Slide rule

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…and, the precursor to the Slide Rule - the Sector (in the time of Galileo, who improved the design in the early 1600’s) - mainly used for military application (big guns) - though a branch of it’s evolution also introduced the Sextant for Celestial navigation.

The Sector

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