When I first installed Manjaro XFCE, I used to be able to control the brightness of my screen via Fn + F12 or Fn + F11
I also used the Fn key to control volume (Fn+F2 or Fn+F3)
For a couple of day, i’ve not been able to control brightness at all on my laptop.
This still appears on my screen when i press Fn + F11 or Fn + F12
But the bar won’t move and the brightness of my screen won’t change.
This started to occur after I forced my laptop to shut down by pressing long enough on the power button and restarting it (Although I had already done time several times without having any problems afterwards)
The volume control still works
I haven’t done any system update, only installed stuff via pamac or pacman
I installed xorg-xbacklight but the command xbacklight gives out “No outputs have backlight property” (my screen is LCD i don’t know if that has anything to do with that)
I just installed acpilight but the command acpilight isn’t recognised(how do i use acpilight ? )