I updated my system and it broke it

Please folllow the link



a) It happens again and again

that the actual problem is not recognized due to insufficient information because the user only reports incidental problems.

For example, when the partition is full, the most impossible side effects occur. If you look into the side effects, it happens that the thread needs 100 posts or more until the actual problem is identified. By then, more has often been destroyed than necessary.

So it’s always better to have enough information so that you can get a quick overview of the condition of the system.

b) Yes i am sure @Usr !

Inxi specifically hides such information when used with the specified parameters.



For a rolling release (like Manjaro), it is strongly recommended to read the update thread before each update.

Sometimes you have to carry out special tasks before or after the update to keep the system error-free. These are explained in detail.

For inexperienced users, it is also recommended not to be the first to install the update (but also not the last). A good time is often a day or two after the update is released. (And if something is really unclear, you can ask before something goes wrong)