I installed Davinci Resolve, not working

Hello Manjaro team.

I installed the Davinci Resolve video edit program on the site, but not open well.
Please, can someone tell me about this problem? Thank you.

Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

“On the site”? What do you mean by that?

Also, if you installed it on your computer, then how did you install it? From the AUR? As a Snap or FlatPak? As an Appimage? Using an installer from the developers themselves?

We’ll need more information. :man_shrugging:


davinci resolve is a custom package - built using AUR recipe - and unsupported in each and every aspect.

Please see → [Need-To-Know] About Manjaro and AUR

Also see → AUR (en) - Packages

I understood. I’ll try with that you offered solution, and reply again. Thank you.

My problem was solved with your solution. Thank you.
Have a good day all.

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