I don't find the module linux65-virtualbox

I followed the tutorial in manjaro wiki for installing virtualbox.

My kernel is this

uname -r

When I try to install the module, show this

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This kernel is EOL. Use actually supported kernels.


That is normal - linux65 is not in the repo anymore

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66 -rmc
mhwd-kernel -l
available kernels:
   * linux419
   * linux510
   * linux515
   * linux54
   * linux61
   * linux66
   * linux67
   * linux68
   * linux61-rt
   * linux66-rt
[micha@micha-lenovo ~]$  mhwd-kernel -li
Currently running: 6.5.3-1-MANJARO (linux65)
The following kernels are installed in your system:
   * linux65
   * linux66
[micha@micha-lenovo ~]$ sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66 -rmc
[sudo] Passwort fĂĽr micha: 
Error: Invalid argument.
Please choose one of the available kernels:
   * linux419
   * linux510
   * linux515
   * linux54
   * linux61
   * linux66
   * linux67
   * linux68
   * linux61-rt
   * linux66-rt
[micha@micha-lenovo ~]$ 

and because of that I can´t install virtualbox! What can I do?

You have 6.6 installed, remove EOL kernel with sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux65

sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux65
[sudo] Passwort fĂĽr micha: 
Error: You can't remove your current kernel.

Boot into 6.6, then you can remove it.

I don´t now, how i can boot with teh kernel 6.6. At grub it isn´t show. But 6.6 is installed!

Pump the ESC key early in the boot process to show the menu.

Thanks so far!

I can bring up the grub menu on startup. The problem is that I only see kernel 6.5 in the advanced options. The kernel 6.6 installed next to it is not even displayed for me to select!

This is probably because I still had an outdated Live USB stick from which I just reinstalled Manjaro on my notebook.

I can’t activate kernel 6.6 to start Manjaro! Can you help me, what is to do?

Reinstall it.

When you reinstalled last time, you corrupted your system somehow.
(Only you know what you did then)
So now your grub is disconnected with its actual configfile (grub.cfg).

  • There is one place where your system installs the kernels. And then grub creates a new configfile including these kernels.
  • But the booting grub does look into an “very old” configfile somewhere, where it has been left after your last install.

At least you will need to reinstall grub, so it is again connected to the actual configfile.

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sudo update-grub

Thank you very much! I will install in new Mango from a new life USB-Stick.