dear fellow members. i switched to manjaro since few days i am from ubuntu mate.
now i have installed and configured manjaro mate without any problems.
Now I’m running into a problem I can’t figure out
I have a 2tb ex4 usb hdd for my steam games.
now steam doesn’t want to run the games because I don’t have (RW,exec) permissions on the disk, with ubuntu I could adjust the “fstab” this worked perfectly so that steam/proton ran the games
this is not working on manjaro i don’t know what i can do now.
anyone have an idea how i can solve this.
If I recall correctly Ubuntu systems uses a slightly different convention for user and group ids.
When moving a devices from another Linux system - the files may be assigned another user and group id ownership.
Mount the device and cd into the mounted folder and change ownership to your Manjaro user
never do this in the root of your system - only inside the mount point where the device is mounted - the variable $USER is a system variable identifying the user executing the command - assuming your device is mounted at /data/games