I can't launch App after the build

Hello everyone, I’m new to Linux and want to install an image board Grabber called Grabber.

  1. I installed the AUR package called imgbrd-grabber-git and did the pkg build.

  2. After the installation the Grabber Icon appeared in my Applications.

  3. I can’t launch the Grabber App because an error message appears.

No Source found. Do you have a configuration problem? Try to reinstall the programm.

I read the instructions several times. But I don’t understand what this means:

After installation you will need to copy the example configuration files from $INSTALLATIONPREFIX/Grabber/example/ to your local Grabber directory, usually ~/.Grabber/ . Grabber will not run without these files.

Thanks for any incoming help.

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Those instructions are pretty clear to me. $INSTALLATIONPREFIX is probably /usr ─ look in your file manager for where it is installed. So if it’s /usr, then you need to copy those example files into your $HOME, like so… :arrow_down:

mkdir ~/.Grabber && cp -R /usr/Grabber/example ~/.Grabber/
sudo chown -R your_user_name:your_user_name ~/.Grabber

Thanks for the fast reply. I found Grabber in usr/share but there are only 5 files in the folder but no example files.

I tried the commands in ther terminal but nothing happened.

orbital@orbitalfram3 Linux 5.8.11-1-MANJARO x86_64 20.1.1 Mikah
~ >>> mkdir ~/.Grabber && cp -R /usr/Grabber/example ~/.Grabber/
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/orbital/.Grabber’: File exists
~ >>> sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber [1]
[sudo] password for orbital:
~ >>>

Try… :arrow_down:

cp -R /usr/share/Grabber/example ~/.Grabber/

It doesn’t say that they are example files, but example configuration files.

I typed that in the terminal:

orbital@orbitalfram3 Linux 5.8.11-1-MANJARO x86_64 20.1.1 Mikah
~ >>> cp -R /usr/share/Grabber/example ~/.Grabber/
cp: cannot stat ‘/usr/share/Grabber/example’: No such file or directory
~ >>>

Okay, then what is the output of…

ls -l /usr/share/Grabber

Hint: use the </> button in the editor toolbar if you’re going to paste terminal output.

~ >>> ls -l /usr/share/Grabber [1]
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Oct 5 17:00 common
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 5 17:00 crashreporter
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 5 17:00 languages
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 5 16:56 settings.ini
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 5 17:00 sites
~ >>>

cp -R /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber

~ >>> cp -R /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
cp: overwrite ‘/home/orbital/.Grabber/common/languages/languages.ini’?

what should I do?

cp -Rf /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber

~ >>> cp -Rf /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
cp: overwrite ‘/home/orbital/.Grabber/common/languages/languages.ini’? sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber
cp: overwrite ‘/home/orbital/.Grabber/common/themes/Default/style.css’?

Hmm, the -f switch is supposed to override the confirmation question. Okay then, one last time. :stuck_out_tongue:

\cp -Rf /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber

~ >>> ~ >>> cp -Rf /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/
zsh: parse error near `>’
~ >>> \cp -Rf /usr/share/Grabber/* ~/.Grabber/ [1]
~ >>> sudo chown -R orbital:orbital ~/.Grabber
[sudo] password for orbital:
~ >>>

Thanks for still helping me.

So, is it working now?

No. When I click on the App Icon I get the same error.

No Source found. Do you have a configuration problem? Try to reinstall the programm.

Should I remove Grabber and reinstall it with one of your commands?

I don’t think it will make a difference. Your best bet is to contact the developer/maintainer of Grabber ─ it’s an AUR package, not a Manjaro package ─ and inform him (or her) of the bug.

Apparently you’re not the only one with this problem ─ see here. This here is the GitHub page of the original developer, albeit that this is not the same person who uploaded the package to the AUR.

I reported this issue on his GitHub page 5 days ago and I got no answer. I guess I have to wait for some fixes.

Thank you for your help. I was told it could take some time here but you helped me pretty fast.

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