I cannot increase my Raspberry Pi 4B display scale connected to a 4k 50" Smart Tv

Hello everyone,

I have been trying for a few days to set the display scale higher on my Raspberry Pi 4B using Manjaro Arm 64bit (sway version), because the font size is really small at 3840x2160 on a Samsung 7 series 4k smart TV, to which I have the Raspberry Pi 4B connected, and I barely can distinguish the characters.

I tried wdisplays utility which does the trick, although temporarily, since it does not save the configuration and I must manually set it again on every reboot, with the mentioned utility.

I also tried xrandr but it does nothing. Neither does lrandr nor arandr.

Tweaking /boot/config.txt has not helped either.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Thank you all very much in advance.

Yeah, I’d like to figure out the default way too

Have you guys checked the Sway “wiki” for display configuration?