I can’t install gnome extensions

When I click “on” in extensions.gnome.org, it shows that turns on but a windows does not appear for installing and also when I reload the page again the extension in “off” mode because it have not be installed. I have gnome shell extension on firefox. I use manjaro.

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Make sure you have gnome-browser-connector installed and also the GNOME Shell integration browser extension.



As instructed above, you can do that, but some of those extensions are available via repositories and AUR too. If you want to use like a browser and explore those extensions then install, well, maybe better use the GitHub - mjakeman/extension-manager: A utility for browsing and installing GNOME Shell Extensions.

pamac build extension-manager

And then install you favorite extension. But please don’t mix extensions installed via repository with AUR and/or from extension site.


I have the package, but I have the problem.

I installed gnome extension manager and the app does not have the problem.

That’s wonderful, however you didn’t actually solve your issue installing extensions via the browser. Using Extension Manager is a fine alternative, of course. I can use both with no issues and so can everyone else.

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