Https links in Thunderbird opens, but does not switch focus to Firefox

I am going crazy over this, but clicking https links in Thunderbird won’t switch focus to the browser (in my case Firefox). The link opens in a new tab in the browser, but the focus stays on TB. Searching the web for similar issues, most questions seem to address the opposite problem where the user don’t want focus to switch away from TB.

I fail to find a preference setting in either TB or FF where I can chose the behaviour of https links in TB.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi @tomoqv, and welcome!

It sounds to me like you have a window rule or something similar to always keep Thunderbird on top of other windows. So check that.

How do I check that? I have a fairly fresh (3 days) Manjaro install and this seems to be the default behaviour.

The Gnome shell extension noannoyance-fork seems to be a working solution.

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