[HowTo] Use default java in eclipse

This is a short one :wink:

1. Locate eclipse.ini

for zsh:
print -l /**/eclipse.ini
In my installation this was at /opt/eclipse-cpp/eclipse.ini

change the line after the line "-vm"




Everytime you use archlinux-java set java ...... ,this will also set the java-version used by eclipse
or you could set the path to your prefered java-version for eclipse:



Does it really make sense to edit the packages file directly instead of making a wrapper script that wont be overwritten by updates?

(this is also what is suggested in the archwiki)


This works well with other Java programs.

But eclipse insists on using its own JVM from the INI file :man_shrugging:

Ah, well if its particularly stubborn then it does make sense :blush: