[HowTo] Mount Bcachefs: My miscellaneous notes

Additional Note

If you add a LABEL when formatting and configuring bachefs,
you will be able to mount it with fstab. 2024-10-06 6.11.0-6-MANJARO


sudo bcachefs format  -L MELANGE --compression=lz4       \
    --label=nvme.nvme0semi /dev/nvme0n1p10   \
    --label=hdd.hdd1   /dev/sdf         \
    --foreground_target=nvme            \

mount - multi devices with LABEL

LABEL=SHAMBLEAU   /media/SHAMBLEAU   bcachefs noatime,users,auto,nofail	0	0
LABEL=MELANGE     /media/MELANGE     bcachefs noatime,users,auto,nofail	0	0

mount - multi devices with UUID

UUID=ceb99236-8e83-48a8-89ca-fe3a6ee35ddd   /media/SHAMBLEAU   bcachefs noatime,users,auto,nofail	0	0
UUID=c496ad60-10e3-47c6-9b36-b97f98570aaa   /media/MELANGE     bcachefs noatime,users,auto,nofail	0	0

mount - multi devices with cli in crontab

@reboot mount -t bcachefs  LABEL=MELANGE /media/MELANGE

By the way, my bcachefs volume broke catastrophically. This is the third time this year. It may be too early to use it for stable purposes. I love new things.

Previous post

I’ve been using bcachefs for 4 years. It broke many times.

bcachefs cannot be mounted with fstab. (the current)

/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-4TB_NNN-part2:/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_HD154UI_AAA:/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST31000333AS_BBB	                    /media/ARRAKIS/	bcachefs	compression=lz4,noatime,nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show,users,auto	0	0

But after DE starting

mount -av

or crontab
@reboot sleep 30  && mount -av

and I can mount it. I discovered this. Independent research. lol)

Lessons I learned::

Don’t use udev.
Because eternal love doesn’t exist.

me 4 years ago. real sample.

# @reboot mount -t bcachefs /dev/nvme0n1p9:/dev/sda:/dev/sdb:/dev/sdg /media/SHAMBLEAU 
# @reboot mount -t bcachefs /dev/nvme0n1p13:/dev/DUNE/MEDUSA /media/BCA/

how to get disk-id. I also used ZFS configraition.

ls -lh /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep nvme #NVME 
ls -lh /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep -v nvme | grep -E "ata" #sata 

I’m writing this because it might be helpful to some people.

By the way, the bcachefs volume in the multi-device configuration I gave as an example was corrupted the day before yesterday. ST HDD completely died. It might be related,
