[HowTo] Add microcode to the mkinitcpio hooks

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆

This manual explains, how one can change hooks, especially adding the microcode hook.

  1. Check, if you have the most recent update and install it, if not already
  2. Open the terminal and open the current hooks file: sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
  3. Open a second terminal and open the new hooks file: sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.pacenew
  4. Compare the current line, which starts with “HOOKS” (without a ‘#’ before)
  5. Add in the current file (non - pacnew) the microcode line and potential others, if necessary. For example, fsck might not be included before, which checks the filesystem before boot and is quite useful.
  6. Check your spelling - just to be sure!
  7. Save the file by hitting [CTRL] + O
  8. update the kernels with mkinitcpio (-P updates all installed kernels): sudo mkinitcpio -P
  9. Reboot

I also created a short video for those looking for a hands-on video: Link ←

Feel free to ask any questions!

Oh really? :thinking:

Either way, videos do not qualify as tutorials here. They can neither be edited later nor indexed by search engines.

Please see:

And they also make it very hard for someone to follow the tutorial at any pace other than that in the video.

Hi, thanks for the answer and feedback. The embedding did not work. I also updated the manual and do other changes in a few minutes. From my perspective it is easier for beginners to follow on a hands on… Do you want me to remove the reference to the video?

Thanks for updating the post with instructions. However, it’s all a very confusing way to manage pacnews with unnecessary steps.

Everything is already documented in the Arch wiki:

If it’s that convoluted, it serves no purpose. Videos are not documentation. I’m not going to watch it.

FYI, this topic will be hidden from the public for now. However, once your tutorial is up to par, it will be available and all our replies here will be removed.

Thank you for your answer! I understand your viewpoint, but I’d beg to differ in some regards. I think, at least for some beginners, the Arch Wiki and the information regarding the update is too complicated/confusing. In order to make the change in Manjaro more user-friendly, I think that short videos and condensed information is helpful. Learning from videos is also proven as very successful as current reseach and market trends suggest. I’d happily adapt any feedback.
I’d be glad if you reconsider and thank you already for dealing with my argument. Of course I will accept a potential rejection.

The user-friendliness may be arguable.
They user cannot actively compare the differences.
The commands do not preserve permissions and test against errors.

We do have more approachable guides. Both here on the forum and on the wiki.

DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff -s

Also worth noting is manjaro-pacnew-checker, which is more of a GUI and automated prompt.

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Opening two terminals with Nano is confusing for me, let alone a user that is still learning. That’s also not how one does a diff in any shape or form.

… we have…

:wink: :point_down: