How to upgrade to KDE 6?

How to upgrade to KDE 6?

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AFAIK it hasn’t been released on stable yet.

Actually, on none of the branches:

Wait until at least February 2024, which is the current proposed release date.

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Or, y’know.

Bribe a timelord, go get it from the future, and then…well, something…not profiting I’m guessing…

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Have patience!

The Timelord ethos of non-interference is a fundamental principle of their society, and it is often referred to as the “Prime Directive” or the “Law of Time.” This principle dictates that Timelords should not interfere with the natural development of other civilizations, species, or historical events unless there is a significant threat to the fabric of time and space itself. :hourglass:

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That’s why I said bribe…

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If you have no patience then you will have to switch distros Plasma/Plasma 6 - KDE Community Wiki

Are you that eager for breakage? When Plasma 6 comes out — in February 2024 — it will still be very buggy and a long way from usable, just as it has always been. It will then still take several more releases before Plasma 6 reaches any level of maturity.

Meanwhile, Plasma 5 may still have a few bugs left to be ironed out, but it is now at a stable and mature level, and 5.27 — the iteration we are on now — is a long-term-support release, which means that it still continues receiving bug fixes on a periodic basis. The KDE developers have even stated that they will continue issuing bug fixes for 5.27 after Plasma 6 is officially released.

Don’t be impatient. Plasma 6 does not bring any world-shocking improvements over Plasma 5. It’s essentially just a rewrite of the code due to the transition from qt5 onto qt6.


… and from what I have read, a lot of the new functionality is being back ported to 5 anyway.

A wise man once said “Breaking things should never be discouraged – it’s an important step on the road to discovery and learning!”

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Key word is learning. And are we animals that we can’t learn from other people’s breakage and we have to have it ourselves, and then be angry it broke exactly like we were warned about?

Learning can also by observing. It takes much more discipline, though…


I’m getting seriously nasty flashbacks to the 5.25 upgrade…


Can’t say I’m jumping up and down out of excitement, 5.27 has been wonderfully stable for me.



I don’t think so. Plasma 5.27 is an LTS release and it is the last one of the 5.x releases — there won’t be a 5.28. They will continue issuing bug fixes for 5.27, but it’s feature-frozen.

So am I. Both of the last Stable Updates have completely ruined my Plasma, requiring the restoring of a backup. :frowning:

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When jumping up and down stability would be foremost on my mind.

… in itself, often a desirable state.

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I must have misunderstood what was being said here


…and that would not be unusual.

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Then I’m lucky, blessed or both because I’ve had no problems.


Is there a way we can compare add-ons that might help find the culprit? Because I’m thinking it had to be a specific extension or something…


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