How to switch from AUR package to Official Package?

I have Manjaro KDE linux515 LTS.

I learned today after the stable update that we are not supposed to get any updates from AUR. I remember reading a long time ago some said sometimes packages get moved from official to aur and it’s normal but now I read that it is not normal and if a package gets dropped from official then it’s for a good reason and if you are on stable branch then you should avoid AUR packages.

I also learned that if you have in PAMAC settings to receive AUR updates then PAMAC will get the package from AUR instead of official rep if they package have the same name. That’s very strange but that is probably the mistake I’ve done.

I also disabled checking AUR updates before the stable update but I install got the v86d AUR update anyway probably because I already had the previous version of v86d AUR package. I closed and restarted PAMAC after changing the setting before doing the stable update.

The two AUR packages I have are spectre-meltdown-checker and v86d and also some foreign packages which I’m guessing are dependencies of these two aur packages or else how did they get there.

I have read already that spectre-meltdown-checker can be uninstalled without problem. But if I search for that package in all repos there doesnt seem to be an official package to switch to.

And with v86d there is supposed to be an official package I think but I don’t find it when I search for it. This package seems important so maybe things can break if I uninstall it. So maybe it’s not possible to uninstall it then install the official package (if I can find it somewhere)?

Or maybe it doesn’t matter anymore if I uninstall these packages? If they are “good” non-malicious packages then I guess why not keep using them? If they are malicious packages meant to trick people into installing them accidently by having the same name as official packages then it’s probably too late to uninstall them?

I tried using the command in the sticky post to find more info on the packages: pactree v86d but the command is not found. I also can’t find pactree when searching for it in all repos.

What would you do and recommend action?

Pactree is part of pacman-contrib. V86d is to be removed.