How to show systemd messages on boot?

I am using manjaro linux with plasma desktop on a raspberry pi 5.

I have removed “squiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles” from /boot/cmdline.txt

I have also removed “plymouth” from the HOOKS in /boot/config.txt

Plymouth was then de-installed.

The system has been updated and initramfs_2712 and kernel_2712 created in /boot. (I believe the RPi5 kernels do not actually need initramfs to boot - all the needed modules are built into the kernel. )

On rebooting the device, i briefly saw the boot loader messages, followed briefly by a blank display, followed by the sddm login manager. The plasma desktop starts normally and everything is all OK,

Can anyone advise what I need to do to show the systemd messages on boot?

I’m not quite sure what all you did but the cmdline.txt may be what you need. I have my boot messages showing up.I put in bold what I believe is different with my cmdline.txt.

root=PARTUUID=use-your-original-here rw rootwait console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 usbhid.mousepoll=8 audit=0

You should also se 4 Manjaro mascots indicating 4 cpu cores I put in the kernel.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

I assume “console=serial0,115200” refers to a display connected to UART 0.

What would be the equivalent command for a 1920x1080 display connected to HDMI 1?

What would really be useful is a manjaro-arm wiki page that explains all the config.txt and cmdline.txt options for the raspberry pi 5 and in which situations they are useful.

Unclear what you are asking. You adjust your monitor resolution if you want another resolution rather than what it defaults to or on some occasions like me here with my VIZIO tv it does not read my tv’s EDID info correctly. With out going into the adjustments I have made here this does not have anything to do with your boot messages not being displayed:

What plymouth hooks in config.txt. If you are referring to disable_splash=1 That is RPi’s Rainbow Splash which is irritating to me.

Sounds like it is not. I believe this is your issue.

sudo pacman -R plymouth plymouth-theme-manjaro

Then edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

Change: MODULES=(vc4) ==> MODULES=()
Remove from the HOOKS= line:  kms

Then adust /bootcmdline.txt as I posted above then reboot.

Perfect, thanks Darksky!

I had to edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf as you suggested:



#HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf kms keyboard keymap consolefont block filesystems fsck)
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf keyboard keymap consolefont block filesystems fsck)

Also I had to edit /boot/cmdline.txt so that console=tty1 and not tty3 which was the default value on first boot of the freshly etched microSD card.

root=PARTUUID=601818f5-02 rw rootwait console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 selinux=0 plymouth.enable=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 usbhid.mousepoll=8 audit=0

In addition to the systemd output, I also see the 4 Manjaro mascots!

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mkinitcpio’s “WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.” should go away also with some of the mods you did.

The systemd ouput on boot is all green. With the latest updates this is really looking good. The image build only run once during the post install scripts and even vulkan is working!

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