[How to] Set read/write permission for external HDD/SDD/USB

This might be handy if you reformat your external HDD or you are having difficulty with a new external HDD/SSD/USB

Info taken from these posts:


One way is to fire up terminal and use chmod. You should know the name of selected drive.

sudo chmod ugo+wx /run/media/username/name_of_ssd

In this demo I will be giving my external 1TB read/write.

sudo chmod ugo+wx /run/media/olividir/1TB

Taken from askUbuntu

sudo :- it will elevate your priviledges to execute the command.

chmod :- command to change the permissions

u :- user

g :- group

o :- other

w ;- write

x ;- executable (if I remember right)

/media/username/your_drive :- partition

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That’s not going to persist across reboots, because /run is a tmpfs, i.e. a virtual-memory-based filesystem.

Better is to set up static mountpoints outside of /run ─ /mnt is a commonly used location ─ and add them to /etc/fstab with the correct mount options. chmod for instance has no effect on NTFS volumes ─ their permissions must be faked in the virtual filesystem layer at mount time.


Ah, then I will need to redo the post and put much more info into it.

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As you still have some work to do on this post, i’ve unlisted it for the moment so only you, me and the mods can see this post.

Once you’re finished just give us a shout and we’ll re-list it again.

Also please read this:

and please put your sources at the end of your post and start with the tutorial itself…



Thank you, and after doing some (read “better”) search here on the forum, I think it is best to delete this post. This post by linux-Aarhus is way, way better than mine. And he/she knows much, much more about the system than I do.

I should have researched the topic better.


Well, at least you’ve got a few :heart: for your efforts and most importantly:

You’re a wiser human being now!
(without forgetting that to be old and wise, you have had to be young and wild first!!)

:grin: :crazy_face:

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