How to remove the dock?

After the recent update, when I turn on my laptop it starts here and I have to press super to start working, which is a bit annoying. I tried going through the settings, tweaks and gnome extensions to change it but didn’t find anything useful.

is there a way to disable the dock or something else so that my laptop starts at the desktop after restart?

Install the gnome-shell extension No overview at start-up.


Or: Extension Dash to Panel - third tab from the left:
“Disable show overview on startup”.
Extension “Hot Edge” may help you further


Hope official dash 2 dock includes this option.

Thnx for this.

DtD replaces original Gnome40 dock…

I don’t see this option

thanks a lot. it solved my issue.

I think this is the option.
Screenshot from 2021-07-23 22-57-40

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thanks :slight_smile:

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