How to prevent HDD spin-up on shutdown?


I have two external HDDs in a docking station, and every time I poweroff my PC, these disks spin up. It’s undesirable because the docking station is incapable of spindown them :frowning: and they continue running throughout the night.
One workaround I found is running hd-idle manually and then putting the computer to sleep, but it’s not a great solution (sleep mode in some way disrupts CUDA functionality, so I need to reboot on every PC wakeup).

Initially, I presumed that the spinning up of the disks was triggered by fsck, but changing fs_passno from 2 to 0 in fstab did’nt change anything. Nevertheless, there are symlinks to the HDD directories in the rootfs, so if there is a solution to avoid fsck only during shutdown (how can this be achieved?), I would be eager to test it.

I hope there is some way to shutdown correctly - without spinning up the disks. Please advise on how to achieve this.


UUID=49AA-209B                              /boot/efi    vfat   umask=0077       0 2 
UUID=2ed17d7a-5df9-40b9-90a0-41a168065073   swap         swap   noatime          0 0 
UUID=4e50ff9a-cdcd-4307-85ec-3404ccfb3235   /            ext4   noatime          0 1 
UUID=659dffba-e49c-4b9b-81fc-c256eda691ca   /hdd         ext4   noatime,nofail   0 0
UUID=85144587-e9a2-47f2-bd77-a32d60a512a3   /hdd2        ext4   noatime,nofail   0 0
UUID=204F06A32A969525                       /sata-ssd    ntfs   noatime          0 0
UUID=c9139686-4d28-43ad-b385-31bd065e584f   /sata-ssd2   ext4   noatime          0 2
UUID=3fbbd346-be2d-489b-902e-cf7e8de995fb   /gen3-ssd    ext4   noatime          0 2
tmpfs         /home/yar85/.cache/google-chrome/Default  tmpfs   noatime,nodev,noexec,nosuid,size=1g 0 0

sudo LC_ALL=C journalctl -b -1 (partial):

Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd-logind[1088]: The system will power off now!
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 6 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1088 comm="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="Get" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.systemd1" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd-logind[1088]: System is powering down.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1376]: [session uid=1000 pid=1376] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.Notifications' requested by ':1.10' (uid=1000 pid=1477 comm="/usr/bin/kded5")
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 5 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1088 comm="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind") interface="org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager" member="StartUnit" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.systemd1" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="GetConnectionUnixUser" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="AddMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="GetNameOwner" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm-helper[1350]: Signal received: SIGTERM
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Session 1 of User yar85...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Authentication error: SDDM::Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL "Process crashed"
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-2fed07c7-79f7-43c1-8ea8-b50f77905ae3 --id 1 --start /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 --user yar85 --autologin) crashed (exit code 1)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Authentication error: SDDM::Auth::ERROR_INTERNAL "Process crashed"
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 4 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1088 comm="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind") interface="org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope" member="Abandon" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.systemd1" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kwin_x11.service: Consumed 3.512s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/getty.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/modprobe.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Graphical Interface.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Multi-User System.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Login Prompts.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Sound Card.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Timer Units.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: archlinux-keyring-wkd-sync.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Refresh existing PGP keys of archlinux-keyring regularly.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: fstrim.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Discard unused filesystem blocks once a week.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: logrotate.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Daily rotation of log files.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: man-db.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Daily man-db regeneration.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: pamac-cleancache.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Monthly clean packages cache.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: pamac-mirrorlist.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Generate mirrorlist weekly.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: pkgfile-update.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped pkgfile database update timer.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: plocate-updatedb.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Update the plocate database daily.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: shadow.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Daily verification of password and group files.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: lvm2-lvmpolld.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Closed LVM2 poll daemon socket.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: systemd-rfkill.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Closed Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /hdd...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /hdd2...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping AmneziaVPN Service...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home ModemManager[1224]: <msg> caught signal, shutting down...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Modem Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Save/Restore Sound Card State...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp5s0.IPv6 with address fe80::ac20:6693:51cb:49ae.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface enp5s0.IPv4 with address
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Command Scheduler...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home crond[1340]: (CRON) INFO (Shutting down)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv6 with address ::1.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping CUPS Scheduler...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
Nov 07 07:51:06 home avahi-daemon[1082]: avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Hard drive idling daemon...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Initialize hardware monitoring sensors...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home (modprobe)[2523]: lm_sensors.service: Referenced but unset environment variable evaluates to an empty string: BUS_MODULES
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Starting Generate shutdown-ramfs...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home alsactl[2521]: /usr/bin/alsactl: get_control:255: Cannot read control '3,0,0,Playback Channel Map,0': Invalid argument
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Signal received: SIGTERM
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Simple Desktop Display Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kded5[1477]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home snapd[1087]: main.go:151: Exiting on terminated signal.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kded5[1477]: kf.notifications: Had queued notifications on destruction. Was the eventloop running?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=1341 comm="/usr/bin/sddm") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home sddm[1341]: Display server stopping...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=1341 comm="/usr/bin/sddm") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Snap Daemon...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kded5[1477]: kf.notifications: Playing audio notification failed: Destroyed
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kglobalaccel5[1498]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=1341 comm="/usr/bin/sddm") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.14" (uid=0 pid=1341 comm="/usr/bin/sddm") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kactivitymanagerd[1525]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home imwheel[1796]: X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
Nov 07 07:51:06 home xdg-desktop-portal-kde[1529]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kglobalaccel5[1498]: The X11 connection broke: I/O error (code 1)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kscreen_backend_launcher[1662]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Load/Save OS Random Seed...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home espanso[1741]: XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Ресурс временно недоступен) on X server ":0"
Nov 07 07:51:06 home espanso[1741]:       after 66 requests (66 known processed) with 15 events remaining.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Disk Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.26" (uid=0 pid=1439 comm="/usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home at-spi-bus-launcher[1945]: X connection to :0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopping Daemon for power management...
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.26" (uid=0 pid=1439 comm="/usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kglobalaccel5[1498]: XIO:  fatal IO error 25 (Неприменимый к данному устройству ioctl) on X server ":0"
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kglobalaccel5[1498]:       after 8 requests (8 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kaccess[1848]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.26" (uid=0 pid=1439 comm="/usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kernel: EXT4-fs (dm-9): unmounting filesystem 85144587-e9a2-47f2-bd77-a32d60a512a3.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.26" (uid=0 pid=1439 comm="/usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="ReleaseName" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.31" (uid=0 pid=1487 comm="/usr/lib/upowerd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.31" (uid=0 pid=1487 comm="/usr/lib/upowerd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home udisksd[1439]: udisks daemon version 2.10.1 exiting
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.31" (uid=0 pid=1487 comm="/usr/lib/upowerd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.31" (uid=0 pid=1487 comm="/usr/lib/upowerd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.31" (uid=0 pid=1487 comm="/usr/lib/upowerd") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home espanso[1733]: 07:51:06 [daemon(1733)] [ERROR] received unexpected exit code from worker 1, exiting
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kglobalaccel.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kglobalaccel.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kscreen.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kscreen.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home espanso[1723]: thread 'main' panicked at 'failed to launch daemon: unexpected error, 'espanso daemon' returned a non-zero exit code.', espanso/src/cli/launcher/
Nov 07 07:51:06 home espanso[1723]: note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-org.moson.matray@autostart.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-org.moson.matray@autostart.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home kernel: EXT4-fs (dm-8): unmounting filesystem 659dffba-e49c-4b9b-81fc-c256eda691ca.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: avahi-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: espanso.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=101/n/a
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: espanso.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="ReleaseName" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332666.7771] modem-manager: ModemManager no longer available
Nov 07 07:51:06 home ModemManager[1224]: <msg> ModemManager is shut down
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=0 pid=1224 comm="/usr/bin/ModemManager") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-kaccess@autostart.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-kaccess@autostart.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kactivitymanagerd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kactivitymanagerd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-easyeffects\x2dservice@autostart.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: app-easyeffects\x2dservice@autostart.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home mkinitcpio[2524]: ==> Starting build: 'none'
Nov 07 07:51:06 home mkinitcpio[2524]:   -> Running build hook: [sd-shutdown]
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kded.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1355]: plasma-kded.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: hd-idle.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Hard drive idling daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: ModemManager.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home libddcutil[2440]: busno=7, sleep-multiplier =  2,00. Testing for supported feature 0x10 returned Error_Info[DDCRC_RETRIES in ddc_write_read_with_retry, causes: DDCRC_READ_ALL_ZERO(10)]
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped Modem Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: AmneziaVPN.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped AmneziaVPN Service.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: cups.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home mkinitcpio[2524]: ==> Build complete.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
Nov 07 07:51:06 home systemd[1]: cronie.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Command Scheduler.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: udisks2.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Disk Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: rtkit-daemon.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: upower.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Daemon for power management.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: hdd2.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /hdd2.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: alsa-restore.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Save/Restore Sound Card State.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: lm_sensors.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Initialize hardware monitoring sensors.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: mkinitcpio-generate-shutdown-ramfs.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Finished Generate shutdown-ramfs.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: systemd-random-seed.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Load/Save OS Random Seed.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: session-1.scope: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Session 1 of User yar85.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: session-1.scope: Consumed 1.600s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="GetConnectionUnixUser" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd-logind[1088]: Session 1 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 6 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1088 comm="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="Get" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.systemd1" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 6 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.1" (uid=0 pid=1088 comm="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="Get" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.systemd1" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopping Authorization Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 1000...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd-logind[1088]: Removed session 1.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Activating special unit Exit the Session...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Main User Target.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Geoclue Demo agent...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping AppImageLauncher daemon...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: polkit.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Accessibility services bus...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping D-Bus User Message Bus...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping User preferences database...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped espanso.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping GNOME Keyring daemon...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Virtual filesystem service...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Bluetooth OBEX service...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home obexd[1661]: Terminating
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping PipeWire PulseAudio...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Portal service...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping flatpak document portal service...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping sandboxed app permission store...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Baloo File Indexer Daemon...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped AppImageLauncher daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped GNOME Keyring daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped flatpak document portal service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped sandboxed app permission store.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped User preferences database.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Bluetooth OBEX service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped PipeWire PulseAudio.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Geoclue Demo agent.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Virtual filesystem service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Powerdevil.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: plasma-powerdevil.service: Consumed 1.449s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Current graphical user session.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping Multimedia Service Session Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped D-Bus User Message Bus.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Portal service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home wireplumber[1628]: stopped by signal: Завершено
Nov 07 07:51:07 home wireplumber[1628]: disconnected from pipewire
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Authorization Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: run-user-1000-gvfs.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Multimedia Service Session Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Baloo File Indexer Daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: kde-baloo.service: Consumed 3.303s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Removed slice User Background Tasks Slice.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: background.slice: Consumed 15.170s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopping PipeWire Multimedia Service...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped PipeWire Multimedia Service.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000/gvfs.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: run-user-1000-doc.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000/doc.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped Accessibility services bus.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Removed slice User Core Session Slice.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: session.slice: Consumed 12.192s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Basic System.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Paths.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Sockets.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Stopped target Timers.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GnuPG network certificate management daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GCR ssh-agent wrapper.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GNOME Keyring daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (access for web browsers).
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted).
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation).
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed p11-kit server.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed PipeWire PulseAudio.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Closed PipeWire Multimedia System Sockets.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Removed slice User Application Slice.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: app.slice: Consumed 11.210s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Reached target Shutdown.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Finished Exit the Session.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1355]: Reached target Exit the Session.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home sddm[1341]: Display server stopped.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home sddm[1341]: Running display stop script  ("/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop")
Nov 07 07:51:07 home (sd-pam)[1356]: pam_warn(systemd-user:setcred): function=[pam_sm_setcred] flags=0x8004 service=[systemd-user] terminal=[] user=[yar85] ruser=[<unknown>] rhost=[<unknown>]
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped User Manager for UID 1000.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: user@1000.service: Consumed 39.364s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: sddm.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Simple Desktop Display Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: sddm.service: Consumed 3.537s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopping User Login Management...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopping Permit User Sessions...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopping User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000...
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: systemd-user-sessions.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped Permit User Sessions.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: run-user-1000.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /run/user/1000.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: user-runtime-dir@1000.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: Stopped User Runtime Directory /run/user/1000.
Nov 07 07:51:07 home systemd[1]: systemd-logind.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopped User Login Management.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.2" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of UID 1000.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: user-1000.slice: Consumed 40.974s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Network.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Remote File Systems.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopping Network Manager...
Nov 07 07:51:08 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332668.0376] caught SIGTERM, shutting down normally.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332668.0388] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 4 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher" member="Action" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' requested by ':1.4' (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon")
Nov 07 07:51:08 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332668.0392] device (wlp2s0f0u3): state change: unavailable -> unmanaged (reason 'unmanaged', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service': Refusing activation, D-Bus is shutting down.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332668.0577] device (wlp2s0f0u3): set-hw-addr: reset MAC address to 14:EB:B6:26:FA:BB (unmanage)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 4 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher" member="Action" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' requested by ':1.4' (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon")
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service': Refusing activation, D-Bus is shutting down.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home NetworkManager[1187]: <info>  [1699332668.1011] exiting (success)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home dbus-daemon[1083]: [system] Would reject message, 3 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.4" (uid=0 pid=1187 comm="/usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus" member="RemoveMatch" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="org.freedesktop.DBus" (bus)
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: NetworkManager.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopped Network Manager.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopping D-Bus System Message Bus...
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: dbus.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:08 home systemd[1]: Stopped D-Bus System Message Bus.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home snapd[1087]: overlord.go:515: Released state lock file
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: snapd.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Basic System.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Path Units.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: cups.path: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped CUPS Scheduler.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Slice Units.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Removed slice User and Session Slice.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: user.slice: Consumed 40.974s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Socket Units.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target System Time Set.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: avahi-daemon.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Closed Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: cups.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Closed CUPS Scheduler.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: dbus.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Closed D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: snapd.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Closed Socket activation for snappy daemon.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target System Initialization.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Local Encrypted Volumes.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: systemd-ask-password-console.path: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: systemd-ask-password-wall.path: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Local Integrity Protected Volumes.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Local Verity Protected Volumes.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopping Set Up Additional Binary Formats...
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: systemd-sysctl.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Stopped Apply Kernel Variables.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: systemd-coredump.socket: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: Closed Process Core Dump Socket.
Nov 07 07:51:09 home systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped Load Kernel Modules.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Consumed 1.782s CPU time.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopping Network Time Synchronization...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopping Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: systemd-timesyncd.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped Network Time Synchronization.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: systemd-binfmt.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped Set Up Additional Binary Formats.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unset automount Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: systemd-update-utmp.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped Create Volatile Files and Directories.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Local File Systems.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Mounted snaps.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /boot/efi...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /gen3-ssd...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /home/yar85/.cache/google-chrome/Default...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /sata-ssd...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting /sata-ssd2...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Temporary Directory /tmp...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): unmounting filesystem c9139686-4d28-43ad-b385-31bd065e584f.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for android-studio, revision 127...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home ntfs-3g[990]: Unmounting /dev/sdb3 (700 GB win10)
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for android-studio, revision 128...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for bare, revision 5...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for code, revision 144...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for code, revision 145...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core, revision 16091...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core, revision 16202...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core18, revision 2790...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home kernel: EXT4-fs (nvme1n1p3): unmounting filesystem 3fbbd346-be2d-489b-902e-cf7e8de995fb.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core18, revision 2796...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core20, revision 1974...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core20, revision 2015...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core22, revision 858...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for core22, revision 864...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for espanso, revision 129...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for flutter, revision 130...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for flutter, revision 141...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gifcurry, revision 9...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 194...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 198...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-34-1804, revision 90...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-34-1804, revision 93...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 140...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 143...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1534...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1535...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for insomnia, revision 231...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for insomnia, revision 233...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snapd, revision 20092...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for snapd, revision 20290...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for spotify, revision 68...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for spotify, revision 70...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for stress-ng, revision 7666...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounting Mount unit for stress-ng, revision 7671...
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: boot-efi.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /boot/efi.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: gen3\x2dssd.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /gen3-ssd.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: home-yar85-.cache-google\x2dchrome-Default.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /home/yar85/.cache/google-chrome/Default.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: sata\x2dssd.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /sata-ssd.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: sata\x2dssd2.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /sata-ssd2.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: tmp.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Temporary Directory /tmp.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-android\x2dstudio-127.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for android-studio, revision 127.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-android\x2dstudio-128.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for android-studio, revision 128.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-bare-5.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for bare, revision 5.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-code-144.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for code, revision 144.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-code-145.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for code, revision 145.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core-16091.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core, revision 16091.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core-16202.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core, revision 16202.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core18-2790.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core18, revision 2790.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core18-2796.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core18, revision 2796.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core20-1974.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core20, revision 1974.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core20-2015.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core20, revision 2015.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core22-858.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core22, revision 858.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-core22-864.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for core22, revision 864.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-espanso-129.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for espanso, revision 129.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-flutter-130.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for flutter, revision 130.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-flutter-141.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for flutter, revision 141.
Nov 07 07:51:10 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gifcurry-9.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gifcurry, revision 9.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-194.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 194.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d28\x2d1804-198.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-28-1804, revision 198.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d34\x2d1804-90.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-34-1804, revision 90.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d34\x2d1804-93.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-34-1804, revision 93.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d38\x2d2004-140.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 140.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gnome\x2d3\x2d38\x2d2004-143.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gnome-3-38-2004, revision 143.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1534.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1534.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-gtk\x2dcommon\x2dthemes-1535.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for gtk-common-themes, revision 1535.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-insomnia-231.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for insomnia, revision 231.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-insomnia-233.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for insomnia, revision 233.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-snapd-20092.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snapd, revision 20092.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-snapd-20290.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for snapd, revision 20290.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-spotify-68.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for spotify, revision 68.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-spotify-70.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for spotify, revision 70.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-stress\x2dng-7666.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for stress-ng, revision 7666.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: var-lib-snapd-snap-stress\x2dng-7671.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for stress-ng, revision 7671.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Mounting snaps.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Swaps.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivating swap /dev/disk/by-diskseq/3-part2...
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-3fbbd346\x2dbe2d\x2d489b\x2d902e\x2dcf7e8de995fb.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/3fbbd346-be2d-489b-902e-cf7e8de995fb.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-49AA\x2d209B.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/49AA-209B.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-c9139686\x2d4d28\x2d43ad\x2db385\x2d31bd065e584f.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Stopped File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/c9139686-4d28-43ad-b385-31bd065e584f.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Removed slice Slice /system/systemd-fsck.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2dpath-pci\x2d0000:01:00.0\x2dnvme\x2d1\x2dpart2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:01:00.0-nvme-1-part2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2did-nvme\x2dSamsung_SSD_980_PRO_500GB_S5GYNX0RC15278D\x2dpart2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_500GB_S5GYNX0RC15278D-part2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2did-nvme\x2dSamsung_SSD_980_PRO_500GB_S5GYNX0RC15278D_1\x2dpart2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_980_PRO_500GB_S5GYNX0RC15278D_1-part2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2did-nvme\x2deui.002538bc11b947a7\x2dpart2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.002538bc11b947a7-part2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2ddiskseq-3\x2dpart2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-diskseq/3-part2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2dpartuuid-0065911e\x2dec5e\x2d9244\x2d884f\x2d04ba34084146.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-partuuid/0065911e-ec5e-9244-884f-04ba34084146.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-nvme0n1p2.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/nvme0n1p2.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: dev-disk-by\x2duuid-2ed17d7a\x2d5df9\x2d40b9\x2d90a0\x2d41a168065073.swap: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:11 home systemd[1]: Deactivated swap /dev/disk/by-uuid/2ed17d7a-5df9-40b9-90a0-41a168065073.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: hdd.mount: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Unmounted /hdd.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Stopped target Preparation for Local File Systems.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Reached target Unmount All Filesystems.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Stopping Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling...
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: systemd-remount-fs.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: Stopped Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
Nov 07 07:51:18 home systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Stopped Create Static Device Nodes in /dev gracefully.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home lvm[2833]:   3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg-old" unmonitored
Nov 07 07:51:19 home lvm[2833]:   3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg-data" unmonitored
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: lvm2-monitor.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Stopped Monitoring of LVM2 mirrors, snapshots etc. using dmeventd or progress polling.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Reached target System Shutdown.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Reached target Late Shutdown Services.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: systemd-poweroff.service: Deactivated successfully.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Finished System Power Off.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Reached target System Power Off.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd[1]: Shutting down.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd-shutdown[1]: Syncing filesystems and block devices.
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd-shutdown[1]: Sending SIGTERM to remaining processes...
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd-journald[537]: Received SIGTERM from PID 1 (systemd-shutdow).
Nov 07 07:51:19 home systemd-journald[537]: Journal stopped

That looks like WHY…

Do you have find a solution ? Perhaps send them a command to go to sleep mode before put the systeme to sleep ?
On gnome using disk app in graphics mode you click on the device and you see in the menu on top righ an entry to put the disk to sleep mode now. If you do that did the disk stay sleeping when you put the computer to sleep ?

from :
[How to Use GNOME Disk Utility]

The solution is likely to not use /etc/fstab, but systemd mount units instead
and only mount the drives when they are actually accessed

Of course the drives will spin up when they are getting unmounted - the file systems need to be synced so they are in a clean state when they have been active but then need to get disconnected from the system.

One way to have them spin down earlier is to use the hdparm utility and set a short spindown time
using the drive’s hardware itself
rather than leaving it at the default, which apparently is very long in the case of the OP.

That is how I understood his “conundrum”.

btw, re your screenshot:
I don’t read french (well, I can read, but do not understand …)
Avoid screenshots - share text (command output from terminal, for example)

honestly it sounds like buggy hdd firmware, if no commands flow in you’d expect them to go to sleep after some time unless explicitly told to just keep spinning.

so try adjusting using hdparm the sleep timeout, that way it sleeps even if your OS for some reason “forgets” to tell the system is sleeping.

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