How To Install Microsoft Core Fonts?


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How do I install Microsoft Core Fonts?


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Available via AUR - look for ttf-ms 

AUR (en) - Packages


For the record

Using Microsoft fonts outside the Windows operating system is a violation of copyright and license.


 are we sure?

For those that dont want to follow the link


I am sure. Thank you for enlighting me.

The referenced link tells you what you want to hear.

Redistribution and extended rights

Apart from the document embedding rights described previously, you may not redistribute the Windows fonts. You may not copy them to other computers or servers, and you may not convert them to other formats, including bitmap formats, or modify them.
– Font redistribution FAQ - Typography | Microsoft Learn

Where can I obtain extended rights that allow me to do the things that are not allowed under the Windows license, such as ship the fonts with my app, game or device?

Check the font properties to find the owner or developer of the font in question. Many of the fonts owned by Microsoft can be licensed with extended rights from Monotype. For other fonts contact the foundry owner identified under font properties.
– Font redistribution FAQ - Typography | Microsoft Learn

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To be fair I think it was uncertain at some point but it seems that as long as the files are intact, the EULA is provided and its ‘not used to add value to commercial products’ then its entirely legal.

This is about windows bundled fonts 
 not about “Microsoft Core Fonts”


Windows comes with a collection of pre-installed fonts. In general, the fonts supplied with Microsoft products may not be modified, copied, or redistributed. Explore the Font redistribution FAQ for Windows for more information. Many of the fonts that come with Microsoft products are also available directly from their original creators. Look at the trademark and copyright notices within each font file to determine who to contact for additional end user, ISV, or OEM licenses. Some of the fonts that contain copyright or trademark strings identifying Microsoft as the font’s creator can be licensed from Monotype Imaging. Find licensing information at Microsoft typography.
– Use of Microsoft Copyrighted Content | Microsoft Legal

No matter what you can find elsewhere

  • Microsoft is pretty clear on the subject
  • no redistribution.

 its not the same thing.

Is not the same as

which is subject to its own EULA and terms.


Which is what is referenced, for example at the wiki.

Which is not the same as somehow copying fonts out of your current windoze installation - which are the terms you keep referencing.

Microsoft Core Fonts (for the web) project != ~*Microsoft Fonts*~

The definition of Core Fonts is fluid - I have no means of identifying it is a reference to an old freeware project or it is fonts copied from a windows system.

I am aware of the old project and the license accompanying the files.

The old corefonts EULA; this license is not applicable for other ms-ttf-packages on AUR only the specific fonts included in this specific package

This article Microsoft fonts - ArchWiki can be said to describe an illegal distribution of the fonts as it refers to various packages containing fonts for win10 win11

I understand ‘core fonts’ may be used or understood ambiguously.

But there is a very unambiguous project called MS Core Fonts, and is for example, what is provided by the oft-cited AUR package. Itself providing the original format files as provided by microsoft (in exe) along with EULA 
 making it compliant with the terms accompanying MS Core Fonts as it existed before its termination in 2002. These terms supercede any other ‘generalized’ terms you may find applicable to current ms products.

Though those terms do still stipulate that those files may not freely be used to enhance a commercial product. So it can still be used in an illegal way.

I have added to the knowledge base

→ [LEGAL] Installing Microsoft Core Fonts on Manjaro Linux


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