How to install Firefox-ESR v.115?

please tell me, is it possible to build the shadowsocks-libev utility in the same way with your Sylpheed build method?

sudo pacman -S shadowsocks-libev

Yes, I tried it, but unfortunately got an error:

$ sudo pacman -S shadowsocks-libev 
[sudo] password for user: 
resolving dependencies...
warning: cannot resolve "libcork", a dependency of "libcorkipset"
warning: cannot resolve "libcorkipset", a dependency of "shadowsocks-libev"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies:

:: Do you want to skip the above package for this upgrade? [y/N] 
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'libcork' required by libcorkipset
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'libcorkipset' required by shadowsocks-libev


But the fuzz about firefox-esr and shadowsocks when the real thing is in the repo?

Is this because of the board you are using?

I don’t know if this is a viable method to create a maintainable package for arm.

firefox-esr exist as a package in the RaspberryPi repo.

The same is true for shadowsocks-libev.

Technically it would be easier to maintain as this only needs to be repackaged.

It would have to support armv7h and aarch64

But the fuzz about firefox-esr and shadowsocks when the real thing is in the repo?
Is this because of the board you are using?
I don’t know if this is a viable method to create a maintainable package for arm.

Why are you asking me? I’m new to Manjaro, so It bad understand what you’re talking about.
Before that, I used Debian, everything is done differently there.
It would be nice if, instead of asking difficult questions to me, you would give me concrete howto about what you are talking about.

firefox-esr exist as a package in the RaspberryPi repo.
The same is true for shadowsocks-libev.

I don’t know how to use these repositories yet. You can tell it? And I’ll try them.

Technically it would be easier to maintain as this only needs to be repackaged.
It would have to support armv7h and aarch64

Okay, how do I do it all? If I’m not mistaken, I have Arm8

Because you are the one wanting to build firefox-esr for ARM.

Since you are asking in Manjaro forum - I have to assume you are using Manjaro as OS for your system.

  • using a package not in the repos creates an unnecessary maintaince load for yourself
    • you will have to maintain the package by hand
  • default firefox is in the repo
    • and available in the Manjaro repos
    • meaning syncing maintainance packages using official channel

Because of the above I ask - why go through all this trouble to build firefox-esr?

Yes, I’m going to use the Manjaro on GT-King if I manage to solve all the issues related to it.
But while are not not everything is solved yet, I’m forced to again to use Debian on Intel i3.

I know for sure that I only need the Firefox ESR 115 version.
I will have to explain the reason for this need for a very long time, so I will not waste time on this.

But you ask again. Will there be any concrete help from you? Concrete help, not questions?

So far, to me have rendered concrete assistance Darksky, helping to get Firefox ESR 115 and You, helping to get Sylpheed.

I don’t build packages for ARM

  • In fact I don’t even understand the ARM boot process
  • I don’t what dtb is doing or the differences between various dtbs
  • I have foggy idea that dtbs is some kind of hardware/software mapping
    • Or it is the other way around

I will probably get there at some point but right now - I have no idea.

My process of getting closer to some kind of answer would be to use Packages | Arch Linux ARM - the search function to see which packages may be available.

Manjaro unstable pulls upstream on a frequent base.

When working at this level - in my opinion - it is important - a must - if you like - to point your mirrorlist to arm-unstable branch.

Manjaro is still dealing with the aftermath of

  • the primary ARM maintainer sought other challenges back around March 2023
  • the ARM branch suffers a great deal from this
  • I am not annoyed or anything loosely resembling annoyed
  • one has to do what one has to do - right?

When searching the archlinux arm repo - one find the libcorkipset being available.

So does other packages.

Perhaps you can use the same approach for the shadowsock thing as you did for sylpheed - I don’t know?

That shadowsocks-libev came from upstream ARCH-ARM. It appears to be broken with the depend. I believe that they stopped supporting it as it is no longer in ARCH’s x86 repo. The only PKGBUILD in AUR involves a pre-compiled x86 binary being packaged up but there is a snap available for aarch64:

[ray@jellyfin ~]$ snap find shadowsocks-libev
Name               Version  Publisher  Notes  Summary
shadowsocks-libev  3.3.4-1  max-c-lv   -      libev port of shadowsocks

I understand I have been there several times over the last 28 years with linux. I have tried just about every linux distro out there including “Linux From Scratch”. You have to learn how to do things their way; just like you did with Debian.

Arch linux Snap Wiki:

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… but there is a snap available for aarch64:

Yes, I already got shadowsocks-libev using snap:

sudo systemctl enable snapd --now
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.apparmor
snap install shadowsocks-libev
snap run -c /var/snap/shadowsocks-libev/common/ss-socks-server.cfg

but I was hoping there was a more direct and shorter way to do this.

You have to learn how to do things their way; just like you did with Debian.

Aww, it’s going to take a very long time. But winter is coming very soon :worried:

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