I bought new Lenovo Legion 5i pro i9-12900H. It came clean, without OS.
I would like to install BSPWM on it. How do I go about that ?? Is there .iso some where ?? or
do I have to use manjaro architect and if so, where can I find latest architect iso…
Please help…
P.S. If this is not the right category for the question, feel free to move it.
Tnx for replying… I was thinking more like a clean bspwm install, with manjaro architect, so that I can have a mix with say xfdesktop, xfce4-power-manager and xfce4-settings. I am googling whole day, watching videos how to do this…
I think the simplest solution would be to get the i3 minimal edition, then install bspwm and everything you want and uninstall i3 (I don’t know what comes preinstalled on it though)
I just played around with the bspwm profile - I see why it has been removed from manjaro-architect.
There is some conflicts and missing packages - this is easy to work around.
There’s still no guarantee an ISO will work as you expect.
That said - my playing around resulted in a minimal ISO which I have not tested - only built it - I will make available for you as is - with no guarantees - whatsoever - implied or otherwise.
That may be - but bspwm as predefined profile - is not available in manjaro-architect.
You can create a basis commandline install - then add extra packages for bspwm - but the predefined profile appears unmaintained and therefore not available using manjaro-architect.
Just to close the topic
I managed to install bspwm using the unofficial iso from
Its very light and a lot of things are missing in terms of installing. I installed a lot of packages and when I booted into the machine they were missing for some or another reason…
Now I gradually install packages as I need them
I want to thank you all for giving me direction, especially to @linux-aarhus.
Basically what I have now is manjaro backend and bspwm and some xfce4 packages as frontend