Hi everyone!, i’m trying to install Autodesk Maya from pamac
But when authorizing, it appears this error:
Verificando dependencias de maya…
Verificando dependencias de adsklicensing…
Verificando dependencias de libffi6…
Verificando dependencias de libpng15…
Verificando dependencias de ncurses5-compat-libs…
Clonando archivos de construcción de adlmapps…
Generando información de adlmapps…
Verificando dependencias de adlmapps…
Resolviendo dependencias…
Verificando interconflictos…
Construyendo adlmapps…
==> Creando el paquete: adlmapps 25.0.3-2 (jue 13 oct 2022 15:17:38)
==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se ejecuta…
==> Comprobando dependencias mientras se compila…
==> Recibiendo las fuentes…
→ Descargando adlmapps25-25.0.3-0.x86_64.rpm…
Note: Please download the package manually from the official website manual://adlmapps25-25.0.3-0.x86_64.rpm
→ adlmapps.install ha sido encontrado
==> Validando los archivos source con sha256sums…
adlmapps25-25.0.3-0.x86_64.rpm … NO ENCONTRADO
adlmapps.install … Aprobado
==> ERROR: ¡Uno o más archivos no superaron el control de validación!
Fallo al construir adlmapps
It would appear that the PKGBUILD is trying to extract an .rpm package which it cannot find, so best is to contact the maintainer of that AUR package. Sadly enough, octopi does not list any contact details for them.
Note: You can install the package manually with the instructions on the official website.
Manjaro does not use .rpm and has no native utility for installing such packages. Such a utility does exist, but it too is an AUR package, and as such, it is not officially supported.
The PKGBUILD for maya in the AUR probably pulls in the .rpm package converter as a dependency, so then you’re back to square one. I would therefore suggest using the other method.
Please edit your first post to format the terminal output properly.
In the future, please prepend the command with LC_ALL=C to display the output in English. Either that or post in our #languages:espanol section if you want to post in Spanish instead of English.
All Autodesk products are now subscription based offers, even the trial versions. You can download them by accepting their agreement and providing an email aka creating an account on their platform either for Business or for Education purposes.
Now the AUR PKGBUILD has a disclaimer too in it:
Please download the package manually from the official website ...