How to install and use TLP instead of xfce power manager?

I recently bought a Thinkpad T480.
I heard about TLP package where i can set threshold/battery charge limitation etc.

If I install TLP won’t it interferer with the default things?

How should I install it and where can i found a documentation for setting the config? And even what could I use TLP for?

Sorry for my bad english and probably noob easy to google question, but i haven’t found an answer.

No it won’t but. It was enabled on my manjaro kde installation ootb (but it has interfered with usb devices in the past)

sudo pacman -S tlp
systemctl enable tlp.service --now

TLP - Optimize Linux Laptop Battery Life — TLP 1.5 documentation

TLP - ArchWiki

Power Management - Manjaro

There’s also this nice GUI app to configure tlp:

sudo pacman -S tlpui

GitHub - d4nj1/TLPUI: A GTK user interface for TLP written in Python

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