Hey, I recently got into making games with Unity and needed a better text editor. I read online that VSC was the best, so I decided to use that. I followed a tutorial on Reddit, however the one from the AUR does not have extensions for unity, so I downloaded the Snap version instead. I also installed MONO and .NET with the commands in the post.
This is where the problems start, I am unable to Force Programs to use MONO, because I am do not have permission. I can also not set the Snap Version of VSC to Unity, only the AUR one. I can edit scripts with VSC (Snap) only if I open the folder from inside VSC. Also autocompletion does not work, even with .NET Installed.
code seems to work fine for me, I have successfully installed and used the Debugger for Unity and C# extension with it. I installed Unity using unityhub, which I installed from the AUR. It might be the containerization of snap that causes some of the issues. I’d suggest trying code again from the repositories. And as far as I know unity bundles its own version of mono, at least the ones that you can install with unityhub.
By code do you mean Cod(patheon), if so should I switch from VSC to that. I’ve tried to get unity to work with vsc but I can’t get it to work and would rather use an AUR or Offical Reporsitary than a snap. I’ve also used atom before and I think that might also be a good option.
1-Install .net runtime, .net core and VSC
a. Open Whisker Menu and type ‘Add/Remove Software’
b. In program, search .net and select .net core and .net runtime.
c. After, search code and select ‘Code-OSS’ and click apply
2- Install Mono
a. Open terminal and type sudo pacman -S mono
3- Set Unity external script editor to VSC
a. (In Unity) Go to Edit → Preferences → External Tools and set external script editor to Visual Studio Code
Insiders (bin/code)
4- Install C# Extension in Extensions
5- Set Omnisharp : Use global mono is Always,
a. (In VSC) Go to File → Preferences → Settings → Extension → C# Configuration in VSC and Set Omnisharp : Use global mono is Always,