How to enable startup sound?

I think the intended suggestion might have been to try obtaining the ubuntu sound from an Ubuntu install; perhaps on VM; if you really wanted that startup sound.

However, if I’m wrong, I have confidence that @Mirdarthos will say so. :wink:

Ahhh okay I see! Sorry my brain was too slow for that match :smiley: Yeah okay, I’ll just get me something neat to play at startup, all good! And thanks for your help :smiling_face:

@soundofthunder is correct. I was under the impression that you had an Ubuntu available somehow. I was obviously wrong.

But, at least now you can play your choice of startup sound. (That was what I was presuming you were trying to do anyway.)

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Open Terminal and create the .config/autostart folder in case it does not exit.

 mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart

Use a text editor to generate and edit a ‘login-sound.desktop ‘ file

gedit ~/.config/autostart/login-sound.desktop

Copy and paste these line to ‘login-sound.desktop ‘ file

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/service-login.oga 
Name=Login Sound
Comment=Play a sound at login

Save it. Then logout and login to check the sound

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Hi! Did you try creating a script or a .desktop file and add it to the startup section in Gnome Tweaks? Worked for me to start conky with other programs the way I wanted.

Edit: Pretty much what arun.sebastian said :laughing:

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