How to enable NTFS3?


Build your own kernel where the driver is activated or wait until Manjaro Team does it in 5.15 or later series.
Another option is detailed here:

Yes, I checked the compilation profile of the kernel. I found that the NTFS3 component is not included in the 5.15 kernel of Manjaro.


11 posts were split to a new topic: /etc/fstab settings when using ntfs3

Quick question, if I have my drives set to auto, will they automatically use NTFS3 when it is released on the new kernal? Thanks.

I doubt so. You’ll need a rule to mount drives with ntfs3, check the second step here:


For info on my side, now that kernel 5.15.2 has landed on Testing branch with support for ntfs3, I changed my previous fstab for new ntfs3 type, and it works as intended so far.

Before (just an example for the NTFS partition part):

UUID=A1B2C3E4F5G6H7 /path/to/mount1 ntfs-3g defaults,big_writes,windows_names 0 0
UUID=7H6G5F4E3C2B1A /path/to/mount2 ntfs-3g defaults,big_writes,windows_names,noauto 0 0


UUID=A1B2C3E4F5G6H7 /path/to/mount1 ntfs3   defaults,noatime,uid=omano,gid=omano 0 0
UUID=7H6G5F4E3C2B1A /path/to/mount2 ntfs3   defaults,noatime,uid=omano,gid=omano,noauto 0 0

Fore reference, as usual, the documentation linux-ntfs3/ntfs3.rst at master · Paragon-Software-Group/linux-ntfs3 · GitHub

ntfs3 support all the standard options, and the ones listed in documentation (for instance it wouldn’t mount with big_writes and windows_names options).

I had to specify the uid and gid or else I wouldn’t own the partitions and content. Before I just needed to own the mount point with ntfs-3g. Maybe there is a better way but I didn’t find issue so far doing so.


@Yochanan When is 5.15.2 expected to be available via pamac update?

It already is. :wink:

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Wow that was quick. I checked a couple of hours ago and nothing to update.

@Yochanan just checked and still no update. Is this for stable or how does it work? Is 5.15.2 stable or depends which mirror do I sync from?

$ sudo pacman -Syyu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                                                                       170.3 KiB   452 KiB/s 00:00 [#############################################################] 100%
 extra                                                                     1900.2 KiB  2.60 MiB/s 00:01 [#############################################################] 100%
 community                                                                    6.8 MiB  5.05 MiB/s 00:01 [#############################################################] 100%
 multilib                                                                   175.2 KiB  2.06 MiB/s 00:00 [#############################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
$ pamac update
Synchronizing package databases...
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

your mirror is?

@Lila-Kuh it’s random I guess:

Apparently you didn’t click my link and see which branches it’s available on. :wink:

@Yochanan Yes I did it’s in Stable with 5.15.rc3.210926.g5816b3e-1 but doesn’t appear the update to me.
Edit: Do I have to switch to Testing branch?

5.15.rc3.210926.g5816b3e-1 ≠ 5.15.2-2

Ok thanks. Happens that I’m on stable (I think it’s the default setting for a fresh Manjaro install). So I followed this guide and switched to testing:

I updated to 5.15.2_rt19-1 but ntfs3 is just not there

What made you think it would be available in this kernel,

as a new feature of kernel 5.15,

enabled in kernel 5.15.2?

Did you read anything in the thread or only the title?

Sorry, is 5.15.2_rt19-1 not 5.15.2?