hi, i made a dac for rpi on gpio port (proto dac tad1387 x8 from Moode audio). it does not appear in the audio outputs. how to make it work with Manjaro?
I’m curious, what do you want to accomplish with it?
Presumably because it’s not a normal audio device. It’s the kind of thing you hook up to a microcontroller, not a computer. (obviously rpi is a bit different in this regard, as it has GPIO)
You’ll likely need specialised software
Do you want to use it with mo0de?
Which doesn’t seem to be in the repos or AUR.
Documentation here:
Looks like you can use a prebuilt image, or build the software yourself to install into another OS. Unfortunately there are no instructions for Arch based distros, only Debian based.
Perhaps someone who’s more familiar with ARM will come along with more information, or alternative software.
If you want to write your own software you’ll need the datasheet for the tad1387, and some programming knowledge.
This is a guide to building Debian packages, it might be useful:
However it may (or may not) require some changes to the build process, so it might be quite difficult for you.
It probably will be easier - assuming you can find a .deb package - unless someone can make a PKGBUILD for you.
I do have a rpi, but I don’t use it much and I haven’t got the time atm, nor a suitable DAC to test with. Also whilst I can package simple software, I’m no expert.
If you need to build a .deb yourself, this may help:
Most have a 3.5mm jack for audio which will show up as an audio device, and probably uses a 24bit DAC. You would need a suitable set of powered/amplified speakers.
Please be patient, there aren’t as many ARM people around and it may take time for them to notice your thread. Though there’s no guarantee they’ll have anything more useful.
Also please don’t post multiple times in a row, edit your last post like I’ve done here.
I have an rpi4B 4go.
I don’t know anything about GPIO… I don’t know where to start. Is it so complicated to ask Manjaro or raspberry pi os to output sound through the gpio port? Sorry for multiple post.