How to compile kernel modules for Manjaro ARM?

I’m playing with packet radio recently and I’m planning to run Direwolf and Pat on my Tv box. Everything is fine except that the kernel lacks hamradio modules: (Lacks mkiss in particular)

sudo kissattach /dev/pts/1 wl2k
kissattach: Error setting line discipline: TIOCSETD: Invalid argument
Are you sure you have enabled MKISS support in the kernel
or, if you made it a module, that the module is loaded?

The detailed module list could be checked here:
hamradio modules

My Tv box is currently running with linux-odroid 5.18.5-1 so I checked manjaro-arm / packages / core / linux-odroid · GitLab. Howerver it did not seem like “make menuconfig” style nor could I compile modules separately. Any help is greatly appreciated.

A good starting point


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You need to enable CONFIG_AX25 to get access to CONFIG_MKISS.

Uncomment this line to get the PKGBUILD to execute make menuconfig.

Or you can open an issue in the citlab repo to request that it gets added as all our main kernels have it.


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