How to change GDM theme color?

In recent versions, i had a other color scheme in GDM. Since the last stable update, GDM uses this strange green Manjaro color. How can i change that back to a other color, like blue?

I rarely look at Gnome, but I think you can likely use Kvantum Manager to manage your themes. You’ll find it in Accessories.

Have you searched and seen this post:

I have, but the above did not work. I don’t have gnome-shell-maia installed, only gnome-shell. But also when i reinstall it and reboot, the accent color in GDM is green.

the same issue as you.
looks like we can’t fully customize the accent color. On GNOME 47, this isn’t an issue with Ubuntu. we can change all the blue areas in Ubuntu, but not in Manjaro. I think some settings or CSS might be locked in Manjaro.

I think, i have found a solution in a Fedora Forum: sudo machinectl shell gdm@ $(which gsettings) set org.gnome.desktop.interface accent-color "blue"

At least this set it fo rme to blue. Other colors will work to. At least, i have checked orange and green.

You can find the full settings in the XML at gsettings-desktop-schemas/schemas/ at master · GNOME/gsettings-desktop-schemas · GitHub

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@soundofthunder Kvantum is for Qt applications. :wink:

@Hanzel That information is long out of date. However, this is still true. Guess what I did for GNOME 47?

I adapted patches from Ubuntu, actually. Thing is, part of what they did depends on their Yaru theme. I haven’t yet figured out how to adapt to that.

@GoGRaDaN I didn’t know about that, thank you!

I’ve added support for changing the GDM accent color with accent-color-change as of r138.4f8caaf-2. It will present a Polkit prompt to apply it. I know that’s kind of awkward with a CLI application.

At some point, I may be able to make all this easier by including it in Layout Switcher. Stay tuned.


Yes, it is. What was I thinking?! :scream:

I opened up a VM and noticed Kvantum Manager, which blindsided me.

For now, I patched GDM Settings. Here’s a sneak preview:

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How can we get the test version, or when will the official installation ISO be out?

Oh, it seems I had forgotten to follow up. Both gdm-settings (as seen above) and an updated version of gnome-layout-switcher are available in the repos now.