How To Change Color Of Virtual Desktop Pager On Bottom Panel?


Running KDE Plasma on the Stable branch.

How can I change the color of the Virtual Desktop Pager on the bottom panel?
It is currently green, but my system theme color is blue.

I want it to be blue.

To the best of my knowledge, that color is defined by the chosen Plasma theme.

In that regard, it is important to note that there are several different theming aspects to the Plasma desktop environment… :point_down:

  1. The Plasma theme affects the panels and widgets only.
  2. The window decoration affects the title bar, the title bar buttons and the window border.
  3. The application style affects only what is visible inside the application window — i.e. the toolbar(s) and the scrollbar. This section also allows you to choose a matching gtk theme.
  4. The icon theme affects all icons throughout the environment.
  5. The cursor theme affects the mouse pointers only.
  6. The global theme contains and specifies everything — even the wallpaper — although you can choose which parts it must implement and which parts it mustn’t.

Note 1: Some global themes come with a kvantum component, although kvantum themes can also be used independently from the global theme. kvantum is an alternative theme engine for the application style — it does not affect anything else, and it does not follow the chosen color scheme, because it’s SVG-based.

In order to use a kvantum theme, you must install kvantum from the repository. This is the Kvantum Manager. It comes with a whole variety of built-in themes, but you can download additional kvantum themes from They come as compressed archives. You must then extract them in your home directory somewhere and point the Kvantum Manager at the directory where you unpacked the archive. You can then further tweak individual aspects of the kvantum theme from within the Kvantum Manager.

Note 2: Plasma and all of the KDE-specific components are built upon the qt widget libraries. Some applications are however built using the gtk widget libraries — and for that matter, there are differences between gtk2, gtk3 and gtk4.

Themes for qt have no effect on gtk applications, nor do gtk themes have any effect on qt-based applications. The Breeze theme however attempts to give gtk a similar look & feel to qt, but it’s not a 1:1 match, because the gtk developers are notorious for their solipsistic world view.


I managed to change the color from green to blue.

I had to change the: “Plasma Style” to: “Breath”.


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Breath, as opposed to the other Breath variants (Breath Light and Breath Dark) is a dynamic or color-aware theme. Any other one of that kind would likely work as to ‘following your choice of color scheme’. They are denoted by the color-wheel-like icon in the corner of their thumbnail.


I have Breeze selected - and the pager is following my scheme (following the desktop background).


With Breath being a … fork of sorts … of Breeze it naturally follows that the same scenario has been copied and thus what was already written about Breath is similarly applicable in the case of Breeze.


Its not worth much, but they are called "Plasma Style"s now.

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