hello bonjour… im a french Canadian happily residing in Philippines, please forgive me if my english isnt UK perfect…
i have manjaro plasma i think… and this pc has 5 additional hdd’s plugged into it, on top of the main pc ssd… 1 hdd is formatted to gpt… lets call it… /sde … i am trying to install world of tanks using wine but of course the ssd has insufficient space for a 60gb game so i want to slap it into /sde a 250gb hdd… but it keeps saying cannot access it… although it can read how much space is available… any help please… ? and yes it is mounted…
got a command prompt… and i did the following and it tells me something that i cannot understand
wine: Read access denied for device L"\??\d:\", FS volume label and serial are not available.
Volume in drive d has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 3fc2-3aac
You don’t write to the device file (or change the permissions), you mount it and write to the mount point. You change the permissions on the mount point.
That command you tried is nonsense. It should’ve been something like:
sudo chmod ugo=rwx /path/to/mountpoint
# or
sudo chmod 777 /path/to/mountpoint