How to add startup sound on KDE


I watched a video in youtube about adding sound on Linux but its in xmonad.

Is there a way to put an intro sound when I turn on/ wake up my machine?

Thank you.


thank you for answering sir but it doesn’t work to my system. i don’t know if I change it wrong. here’s the screenshot:

Please see a previous thread and somewhat solution below:

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Thank you.
Now I know that this is still an ongoing bug on plasma.
but the solution provided doesn’t work with me. Maybe I replace pulseaudio with Pipewire. Maybe that’s why the line /usr/bin/paplay is not working.

I combine what the youtube video says and this link’s solution and it works.

Write a .desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/ like this:
touch /etc/xdg/autostart/org.kde.plasma_startup_sound.desktop
vi /etc/xdg/autostart/org.kde.plasma_startup_sound.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=mpv --no-video /usr/share/sounds/Oxygen-Sys-Log-In-Short.ogg
Name=Plasma Desktop Startup Sound
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