How to add a new event to the plasma kde calendar?

i could not find any option to add an event to the calendar

I never use this functionality so I might be wrong, but I think it needs to be synced with something else that provides the events.

You may have more options with other widgets, such as Event Calendar, which can be synced with Google Calendar.

For the default one in KDE I think it can be configured to accept events added from korganizer if you have that installed, along with kdepim-addons.


  • sudo pacman -Syu korganizer kdepim-addons
  • Use korganizer to add/configure your events
  • Digital Clock Settings > Calendar > Available Plugins
    (select “PIM Events Plugin”)

(as you can see it also has other options including “Holidays”, which should be regional)

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Merkuro might also be worth looking at (I’ve never used it), however, KOrganizer does seem like the better choice, at face value.

Thunderbird Calendar integration with KDE would be nice; though I haven’t yet found an overly pressing need to investigate.

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I’ve got the Event Calendar widget with Google Calendar sync set up here, and it works fine!

Not mine, but mine looks just like it.

Only thing is, AFAIK it can’t add an event, just display them. But that’s perfectly fine! To me this is just a quick reference and not a complete p-lanner, so I add things in Google Calendar online…

This is mine: :point_down:

I would suggest your best option is Event calendar - I use it for a clock, it also synchronises with my (gasp) Google Calendar.

So if I set anything on my iphone, I also see it on my desktop, and I can easily double-click it to open Google Calendar in the browser which will give alerts in my phone.

Also worth installing is KAlarm - which is awesome.


Define awesome, for those who refuse to install blindly to find out for thems :elf: :elf:.

  1. sudo pacman -S korganizer kdepim-addons

  2. Create your local or add your remote/online calendar storage

  3. Configure your calendar widget



It’s a KDE app… so flexibility is built in.

It can add an icon in tray, with access to scheduled stuff… I have some ‘wake up’ events I can activate for weekdays and weekends, which wake the computer from suspend and play music.

I have various reminders set up. I can have it

  1. display a big message in a window
  2. do a subtle knotify
  3. notify and wait for a response
  4. Shout at me through my speakers 5. Make a pot of tea with a soft boiled eggs and soldiers.
  5. My son likes to watch TV before bed, so I set it to do:
  • I can leave him to watch TV and know the volume will be turned down and it’ll be off from 9.30pm until 6.30am.

It’s kind of a thing I would like to have thought of myself and built into the OS myself…

I’m sorry to say that I do have an issue with my phone though.

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That’s no issue, if it has an off switch; and I can vouch for that. :grin:

thank you.
for the korganizer, is it possible to add a monthly repeating event?
and is it possible to make it relative with alternate calendar such as islamic civil calendar?

KAlarm seems very good for what i need
is there a way to make the recurrence related with an alternate calendar?

I don’t know, I use EventCalendar for that, to make calendar entries synced with my phone.

I don’t like too much akonadi.

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is it safe to remove akonadi? and replace it with: EventCalendar?

It shouldn’t cause a nuclear incident.

It is a KDE framework.

I had issues with KMail and KCalendar so I just removed those and use Mailspring and Event Calendar instead… I get no errors related to akonadi now.

It does seem I don’t have that server running now, and I don’t use KMail, KOrganizer, KAddressbook, or plasma widgets which use it.

Thankfully, KAlarm doesn’t use it either.

It was available in old Plasma versions, you can add your valid arguments here 472750 – Alternate Calendar plugin for standalone Calendar widget, as in the Digital Clock widget

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