For me, 100% stable running Plasma (Testing) for about 8 years.
This sounds a little like unsupported AUR packages, which do require rebuilding sometimes. These bits of housework never rendered my installation ‘unstable’ in any way, other than occasionally they’d throw an error and need a quick rebuild.
Certainly Plasma 6xx has been stable for me - though the upcoming update to 6.3 is likely to force me to switch themes - as darkly, and klassy are affected by changes and need to be updated (hopefully will be sorted soon) - so as always, a possible need for some folks to dial back to default settings/themes - we’ll find out when it’s pushed through unstable/testing.
We must be careful and above all accurate… not just because this isn’t reddit, but also because if you copy/paste your commands they just will not work!
pacman -Syu
will refresh and update the core system.
pamac upgrade
will update the core system plus AUR.
pamac install lsd
will install lsd.
sudo pacman -S lsd
will install lsd.
As a less experienced user, I’d recommend installing FISH in your terminal - you can fire it up by simply typing ‘fish’ and then you can access some manual entries with your tab key…
So typing 'pacman -`tab will get this:
❯ pacman -
-D --database (Modify the package database) -S --sync (Synchronize packages)
-F --files (Query the files database) -T --deptest (Check dependencies)
-h --help (Display help) -U --upgrade (Upgrade or add a local package)
-Q --query (Query the package database) -V --version (Display version and exit)
-R --remove (Remove packages from the system)
You can type one letter, then hit TAB to get more options. Let’s go with ‘Query’:
❯ pacman -Q
-Qb (Alternate database location) -Qn (list installed packages only found in sync database)
-Qc (View the change log of PACKAGE) -Qo (Query the package that owns FILE)
-Qd (List only non-explicit packages (dependencies)) -Qp (Query a package file instead of the database)
-Qe (List only explicitly installed packages) -Qq (Show less information)
-Qg (Display members of [all] package GROUP) -Qr (Alternate installation root)
-Qh (Display help) -Qs (Search locally-installed packages for regexp)
-Qi (View PACKAGE [backup files] information) -Qt (List only unrequired packages [and optdepends])
-Qk (Check that PACKAGE files exist) -Qu (List only out-of-date packages)
-Ql (List the files owned by PACKAGE) -QV (Display version and exit)
-Qm (List installed packages not found in sync database) -Qv (Output more status messages)
So let’s see package information for ‘lsd’
❯ pacman -Qi lsd
Name : lsd
Version : 1.1.5-1
Description : Modern ls with a lot of pretty colors and awesome icons
Architecture : x86_64
Licenses : Apache-2.0
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : gcc-libs zlib
Optional Deps : nerd-fonts
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 3.43 MiB
Packager : Orhun Parmaksız <>
Build Date : Wed 21 Aug 2024 01:30:54 +07
Install Date : Tue 27 Aug 2024 13:02:14 +07
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
Validated By : Signature
It doesn’t take too long to get used to it.