How on earth do I set Manjaro to use Open DNS?

The wiki is apparently not talking about any desktop specific way to do things. There are many different desktop with many different applications.

Manual is also a valid way, if you know all the proper parameters, which automatic sets for you. It is actually the same on Windows for example.

Mate. Linux is everywhere. It is the backbone of the internet, as well as part of embedded devices, keyboard synths and electronic pianos, stage lighting rigs, smart TVs, IoT, Android (based on the Linux kernel), Chromebooks (ChromeOS was developed from Linux) and the list goes on. So, I would say that more people than you think use Linux to some extent.

Linux does not make things complicated. Linux offers choices.

I agree that having ā€˜Automatic (DHCP) ā€¦ā€™ twice is not intuitive, but normal people, if they donā€™t know which one, might try working through the list of options from top to bottom until one works.

I suggest you disable IPv6 in the network manager GUI unless you have OpenDNSā€™s IPv6 addresses.

Guess what it is on a Mac?


Linux is not used by normal every day people for normal every day things, for a reason. hate it all you want, but its the truth. I am just a glutton for punishment or I would already have completely given up.

Please do. Or at least keep your uninformed commentary to yourself.
Your rants about your own ineptitude being the fault of something you fail to understand will no longer be tolerated.
Go pollute the mac boards with it if you like :wink:

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