How do you move up to the previous prompt in Konsole and how do you prevent Konsole from clearing out its command line upon shut down?

For the 1st question, I am looking for a button combination similar to cmd + up arrow in Mac’s terminal. For the 2nd one, everytime the computer shut down and start it again, Konsole’s tabs start out with a cleared command line, I want it to start from where I left it.

Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

I’m not familiar with the terminal emulator on a Mac, but if you’re asking about how to bring up the previous command in a terminal, then all you need to do is press either the key or the PgUp key on your keyboard.

And in order to scroll up within the Konsole window in order to see the start of a huge output, you press Shift+PgUp ─ several times, if needed.

I’m afraid that’s not possible, because the contents of a shell session exist only in RAM and are lost when the session is closed, which is what shutting down the computer does.

What you can however do if it involves a remote connection is use either screen or tmux before starting your work, and then you can detach from the session, and reconnect to the session again at some later point. It works on your local computer as well, but not if you’re going to shut down the machine, of course.

Note: The shell does remember your command history across reboots, but this has nothing to do with Konsole as a terminal emulator. This is a shell-specific option, and in Manjaro (and most other distributions as well) it is enabled by default. But that is of course not the same thing as saving your sessions and their screen output from before you shut down the machine.


There is a tmux plugin to restore your session:

Yes, but… :arrow_down:

… it won’t work when you shut down the machine where the session is running. :wink:

Hi thank you for the answer. I have been a Mac User for a couple of years that my terminal experience consists of mostly my time using MacOS’s terminal.
Shift+PgUp does approximately what I want. cmd+up in MacOS’s terminal scroll the screen up while marking the line where the previous prompt occurs. But it doesn’t look like Konsole has this feature. Shift+PgUp is not bad though, may be I will stick to this.
For my second question, again in MacOS’s terminal leaves the session the same as before shutting down, does it mean that MacOS saves the session in hard drive when shutting down for it to be loaded again later?

Yes, it must obviously be saving the session somewhere. But I’m afraid Konsole doesn’t do that.

However, looking at the man page for screen, it would appear that it can save your sessions, including the window content. See… :arrow_down:

man screen

… for details.

No, but if you have a single computer and only want to save and restore your local tmux session across restarts, it should work. It can also be done automatically:


I will look at both screen and tmux. Just one question, where are they available, pamac, pacman, AUR?

tmux is available from the Community repo, and screen is in the Extra repo. :wink: :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -S screen tmux

… or… :arrow_down:

pamac install screen tmux
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Sorry, I would like to digress a little bit. I am still new in Arch, and Linux in general, and I have a terminology-related question. I have heard that the repos accessible by pamac and pacman are commonly referred to as official repo. There is one other repo, the AUR, which is sort of unofficial. Now which ones are community, and which ones are extra?

The Core, Community and Extra repos are all official and accessible by way of pacman and pamac.

The AUR is the Arch User Repository, which Manjaro supports because Manjaro is Arch-based, and software from the AUR will usually work in Manjaro. pamac has support for the AUR, but it must be enabled first.

Manjaro’s pacman does not support the AUR, but there are AUR helper applications one can install, such as yay and trizen, both of which are wrappers around pacman. :wink:

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